Women care for the hairstyle and wish that hair were well-groomed and beautiful. The industry of beauty follows the innovation technologies today, allowing the modern woman to do stylish hair dressing independently and to look as after the visit to the hairdresser.
The iron for hair (it is the rectifier) - one of devices for stylish hair dressing in house conditions. With its help it is possible to level disobedient curls and to lay them. By means of the iron it is possible to fight against unruly hair which begins to curl in damp weather. Making the decision on the choice of the iron for styling, get acquainted with the principles of operation of this device. The rectifier exempts hair from the surplus of moisture which is contained in them. Under cuticle of hair the layer – cortex is located. In it there is hydrogen bonding which is responsible for ability of hair to curl curls. In the damp environment these connections become active. For this reason the hair curl more usual when the atmospheric humidity is increased, it is snowing or rain. As regular influence of heat promotes change of structure of hair and does them more fragile and subject to mechanical influences, it is important to pay special attention to such criterion for selection of the rectifier as covering of its plates. Metal plates are most dangerous to hair. Their uneven heating leads to emergence of the points of overheating which are burning through hair. The structure of hair collapses and they begin to split on the ends. Heating of plates happens to ceramic covering evenly. Thanks to their smooth sliding, hair keep elasticity and gloss. The only lack of ceramic rectifiers - sticking to plates of the cosmetics applied on hair before laying. To minimize such effect, it is always necessary to wipe after laying plates with damp fabric. Such modern materials as the teflon and tourmalines preventing sticking of staylingovy means and neutralizing static electricity have big advantages. The diamond and titanic covering does sliding of plates easier, and hair – brilliant. Plates of irons are wide (more than 2.5 cm) and narrow (less than 2.5 cm). Narrow plates will be suitable for straightening of bang, thin locks. It is more convenient to work with them, but because of narrow surface it is impossible to capture by them large locks. They constantly should be broken into smaller that considerably will increase laying time. Rectifiers with wider area allow to take rather wide locks that reduces laying time. Such plates will be ideal for thick long hair. If for you it is especially important to keep and increase health of hair, pay attention to additional function of some irons ionization. Ions, being allocated from special layer which has covered device plates, envelop each hair, restoring in it water balance. Hair become at the same time healthy, more obedient and brilliant.