Microdermabrasion is simple procedure which refreshes dim skin, narrows pores, deletes wrinkles, scars from pimples and reduces hyperpegmentation. This procedure can be performed on breast, hands and face. For achievement of the best results series from 4-6 procedures is recommended.
Procedure of microdermabrasion
Microdermabrasion (skin grinding) is procedure during which small crystals of aluminum oxide under very high pressure are applied to skin. There is removal of the upper layer of the skin and as result, process of its updating is started.
This procedure is completely automated. Depending on goal, the doctor sets pressure and frequency of impact of crystals on skin. Microdermabrasion helps to solve such skin problems as reduction of time, small wrinkles, recovery of elasticity of skin, decolours and levels hems on skin after acne rash.
The course of microdermabrasion makes generally 5-10 sessions, lasting about 30-40 minutes everyone. After the first session the effect of the procedure will be visible: skin becomes young, fresh and smooth. After removal of dead cells of epidermis, in more deep skin layers the synthesis of collagenic fibers begins that respectively, and increases its elasticity. Clarification of skin leads to improvement of microblood circulation, normalization of metabolism in structural elements of epidermis and terms.
Microdermabrasion pluses
This procedure has number of advantages over dermabraziya. First, during microdermabrasion no pain and discomfort is felt therefore it does without anesthesia. As grinding does not affect blood vessels, after all process there is no blood. Microdermabrasion becomes at all seasons of the year. Besides after it the rehabilitation period and observation of doctors is not necessary. Microdermabrasion does not cause any complications and negative side effects. Microdermabrasion possesses one more plus - it can be carried out also in house conditions by means of the cosmetics containing aluminum oxide crystals and also the special ingredients which are responsible for skin regeneration. However, use of such means in house conditions will be able to lead only to removal of dead skin cells and increase in its tone. When case more serious - the help of the expert is necessary. Upon termination of microdermabrasion there can be easy reddening of skin, but it disappears approximately in hour.
To whom is microdermabrasion contraindicated?
That who has fresh skin wounds it is necessary to wait for their healing and only then to undergo the procedure. Microdermabrasion cannot be done in the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes on skin.