What tell our legs about

What tell our legs about

appearance of legs, feelings in them, shapes of fingers and feet can tell about diseases and even about character of the person. At the same time it is worth paying attention even to the most insignificant and hardly noticeable nuances.

Legs contain the fourth part of all bones of body, up to 33 joints, up to 100 ligaments, muscles and sinews and also huge number of the nerves and blood vessels tied with heart, brain and backbone. If your legs have no hair, then it, on the one hand, is good, especially for women - it is not necessary to think of epilation. But such situation poses in itself the hidden threat of possible diseases. The lack of typical indumentum standing can signal about problems with vessels. Growth of hair standing can stop because of bad blood circulation. When vessels are struck with atherosclerosis, heart should make the choice of priority areas of organism for normal supply with their blood. Hair standing have no such priority. If join this problem such as bright red coloring of skin standing, difficulty of listening in them of pulse, you should draw close attention to cardiovascular diseases of your organism.

Frequent spasms of legs – rather widespread phenomenon. They are connected with sharp reduction of muscles and can appear as a result of short-term circumstances, for example, at physical activity or as a result of organism dehydration. If spasms periodically repeat, perhaps, your organism has deficiency of potassium, magnesium or calcium. Besides, this phenomenon is often observed at pregnant women owing to some physiological features of their situation. To get rid of spasms, make massage of the problem place, bend leg, pound it alcohol or apply cold compress.

If on your legs as a result of friction of footwear various scratches and other damages which long do not begin to live are often formed, turning into pruritic fetid ulcers, there are all bases to believe that you have diabetes. Increase in level of glucose in blood is directly interconnected with injury of nerves to legs. In this case you should address immediately the therapist or the endocrinologist for consultation and purpose of treatment.

Cold legs can be just feature of organism, but in certain cases it is symptom of bad blood circulation or diseases of thyroid gland (especially often meets at women). If you observe any accompanying symptoms, it is worth seeing doctor if they is not present – warm legs better.

Far from esthetic type of nails when they take the reinforced form and get yellow shade, speaks about fungus which it is necessary to treat urgently.

If the thumb of leg changes the form, on it outgrowths in the form of cones appear, it is gout – violation of exchange of uric acid. In this case it is also worth seeing doctor.

The unpleasant smell going from legs speaks about big activity of bacteria owing to the increased number of sweat glands on leg. To solve this problem, change socks more often, choosing products from natural materials, wash legs with antibacterial soap and well dry footwear.

Legs can tell not only of diseases, but also of character of the person. It is considered that than the leg, especially pensive, sensitive and vulnerable nature at the person is more graceful. On width of foot judge degree of practicality of the person, the it is wider, the stronger it the owner costs on the earth. If the ends of thumbs have the square or triangular form, their owner is laconic and is even rude. Roundish smooth lines, on the contrary, speak about softness and diplomacy of nature. The large thumb indicates garrulity, and too small – isolation of character.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
