What to do to grow stout

What to do to grow stout

Excessively slim figure can become the cause of serious diseases or violations in work of organism. For increase in body weight by several kilograms it is recommended to carry out simple rules.

Not only formation of complex, but also violation of reproductive function can become negative consequences of insufficient weight that often leads to infertility. If there is sharp and progressive weight reduction, then consultation with the expert as it can become cause of infringement of work of digestive system, emergence of allergic reactions, diseases of endocrine system, formation of tumors, etc. is necessary. First of all, to gain weight, it is necessary to go on diet which consists in balanced diet and gradual increase in appetite. For stimulation of appetite it is recommended to drink fruit or vegetable juice or nonalcoholic beer before meal. The number of meals during the day should not be less than 5-6 times at regular intervals.

It is impossible to allow at all emergence of feeling of hunger as all efforts will pass without results. It is recommended to have a rest after meal (to sit or lie down) that leads to the best digestion of food.

Of course, for persons interested to gain weight it is necessary to include in diet proteinaceous and carbohydrate food (meat, fish, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese) as protein participates in the course of formation of relief in muscle tissue. The good result is achieved at consumption of proteinaceous cocktail (cottage cheese pack, glass of heavy cream, jam or honey to taste) which not only tasty, but also useful to human body. Fats and carbohydrates are also necessary to gain weight if desired. For this purpose salads are recommended to be filled with vegetable or soy oils which in addition to everything favorably influence organism (at the expense of vitamin E content). Therefore safely eat white loaf, pasta, potatoes, sweets, flour products, etc. Also it is recommended to use large amount of liquid (2-3 liters a day). Optimum drinks are tea with milk, juice, clear water, dairy products, coffee with cream.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
