What to do with heat-spots in decollete zone

What to do with heat-spots in decollete zone

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Heat-spots in zone of decollete are extremely unpleasant phenomenon. Especially when the spring and summer - time of open undershirts and the beach approach. In what the reason of appearance of acne in this zone? And how to cope with this misfortune?

For a start it is necessary to learn why heat-spots develop in decollete zone. The fact is that in this area, as well as on back, face and shoulders, there is the largest number of sebaceous glands. At the increased production of skin fat in zone of decollete and at the wrong leaving, time is hammered, and then inflames, turning in eels.

Watch over health!

As at any other manifestations of acne, you should pay attention to condition of organism and your way of life in general (especially if heat-spots disturb you and in other zones). Pay attention that sometimes the reason of the increased sebaceous secretion can be direct consequence of improper feeding. If you abuse fat products, smoked products, drink not enough liquid, then you should not be surprised to bad skin - large amount of hazardous substances is removed by organism through this body.

Your diet has to comprise products, vitamin-rich, necessary for healthy skin. Treat such vitamins both vitamins A and E, and group B vitamins: eat cellulose, bean, rye bread, nuts and also fresh vegetables and fruit. You monitor the digestion and include in diet not only fermented milk products, but also calcium and also vitamin D rich with useful bifidokultura which improve condition of skin too.

Correct leaving

Behind zone of decollete the special care is necessary. In this area, skin rather gentle and thin, and at the same time is present at it large number of sebaceous glands therefore in fight against heat-spots it is extremely important not to allow skin peresushivaniye. The scheme of leaving has to include two stages without fail: soft clarification and moistening.

Spirit tonics and lotions should be used only for pointed application, otherwise skin will be deprived of natural protective layer.

Sufficient moistening of skin will prevent excessive production of fat, and daily clarification - will help to get rid of the bacteria causing acne. Therefore daily take shower with soft gel (better if antibacterial), and then you apply the soft moisturizing cream on not oily base. Do not rub skin basts and srubs, and softly distribute on it foam.

Taking shower, you watch that hair balm after washing off did not remain on shoulders and back, carefully wash away it. The fact is that in its structure there can be ingredients leaving film on skin and promoting pollution of time.

If you suffer from acne on face, then you need to allocate separate towel for body and for the person and to regularly erase them with boiling - thus you do not allow transfer of bacteria. Try to wear clothes from natural materials, it is preferable from cotton as it absorbs sweat better and leaves skin dry, allowing it to breathe fully - in case with synthetic materials, on the contrary, there is big risk of reproduction of microbes.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
