What to use to men for depilation of intimate places

What to use to men for depilation of intimate places

Men's depilation is the procedure of removal of undesirable vegetation on face, hands, back, stomach, breast, in zone of intimate places. The main difference of depilation from epilation – ease of the procedure as at it only hairs on surface leather are processed. What means best of all is suitable men for removal of hair from intimate zone?

Features of men's depilation

Male hair in intimate places are much thicker women's, at the same time their density and growth rate are also much higher. The procedure of men's depilation is carried out similarly women's depilation, however at the same time features of male physiology are considered. Before carrying out it is necessary to undergo procedures inspection to reveal possible contraindications to depilation.

The indication to men's depilation is excessive pilosis on certain parts of the body and professional requirements which impose to some professions.

Men's depilation is forbidden to be carried out at violations of integrity of integument, availability of pustulous and inflammatory processes on its surface, virus infectious diseases, exacerbation of herpes, violations of blood clotting, diabetes, fever. Besides, contraindication to holding procedure are allergy to the chemical components applied at depilation, varicosity in the depilated area and skin diseases.

Than to depilate intimate men's places

Men can use the traditional razor for depilation. Before shaving it is necessary to apply the moistening means which will soften the upper layer of the skin and will facilitate the procedure on the surface of the depilatory site. For shaving it is possible to use both the ordinary safety razor, and the electrorazor. More effective method is removal of hair by means of wax which is characteristic more long term between growth of new hair.

The effect after men's depilation by cold or warm wax remains for 7-10 days after removal of vegetation.

The popularity is gained today by depilation by means of sugar – sugaring. This procedure is painless and does not provoke emergence of allergic reactions, and skin after sugaring remains humidified and smooth. Besides, depilation by sugar structure gives the light rejuvenating effect. Also men can get rid of undesirable hair by means of chemical depilation – creams, aerosols and gels which affect structure of hair and temporarily delete them. After depilation of intimate places it is not recommended to visit sauna, bath or sunbed in the first day, and skin after sugar or wax depilation needs to be protected within two weeks from the sun by means of special sun-protection means.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
