Whether it is possible to increase artificial nails at pregnancy

Whether it is possible to increase artificial nails at pregnancy

In life of the woman there are various problems, and the broken nail becomes frequent one of them. However extension of artificial nails, so similar to the presents can become the convenient decision. It is necessary only to find out whether it is possible to make it when accounting such factor as pregnancy.

At observance of certain rules future mothers can increase nails till last week of pregnancy. Artificial marigold will need to be removed only before the childbirth as doctors determine condition of the woman by natural color of nails. Also long nails become dangerous to gentle skin of the baby.

It is necessary to know precisely that you have no allergy to the material used when building. Consider also that during pregnancy the female body can react in absolutely unexpected way even to such substances which did not cause any problems earlier.

Observance of sanitation is obligatory during the procedure. Disinfection during the work with pregnant women has to be maximum owing to their lowered immunity. Future mothers cannot increase nails at development of pathology. It is important that all materials used during the work were safe and had the certificate of quality. Therefore even when performing nail extension in house conditions the master has to possess all necessary documents on the used materials. It is necessary to take in attention the fact that because of various changes in organism at pregnant women the appearance of nail can change over time because of what the increased material quite often badly fastens and is quickly torn away. If at you allergic reaction to any substances which were transferred normally before has suddenly begun even if they are not connected with building, it is better to refuse the procedure nevertheless. Pay attention that the Chinese and Korean materials may contain methylmethacrylate. This substance is already forbidden for use in many countries because of its properties, negative for organism. It is better to refuse nevertheless similar ingredients in favor of materials with the content of the ethylmethacrylate recognized absolutely safe for health.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
