Whether it is possible to sunbathe after peeling of face

Whether it is possible to sunbathe after peeling of face

For the girls who are looking after the skin, the procedure of peeling of face is known not by hearsay. Perform such operation of face care not only in cold seasons, but also in the flying. For this reason there is question – whether it is possible to sunbathe after peeling of face and what conditions have to be met at such suntan.

Suntan after peeling of face actually can be very dangerous. This procedure is peculiar stress for skin, and especially it belongs to face skin as exactly here it is the thinnest and gentle. After peeling the relaxed skin, getting under the sun, can easily get burns. Many procedures for face care including peelings, it is desirable to carry out after all to cold season, then face skin will manage to recover from stress. However, there is number of cases when the peeling of face is made in the flying or in its threshold. The danger of suntan after peeling of face, naturally, exists. But many girls all the same want to receive beautiful suntan. For this reason there are some conditions under which suntan after peeling of face will bear the smallest danger.

One more interesting fact is that at peeling of face some part of melanin is removed. Therefore, it will be much more difficult to such skin to sunbathe and it is necessary to spend time for receiving beautiful suntanned shade quite a lot. This opinion occurs long ago and everywhere. Many female editions, magazines and newspapers, publish articles about danger of suntan after peeling. But it is worth to remember that skin of different girls differs. From this it follows that contraindications extend not to all. It is not necessary to sunbathe after peeling in the sun only to red girls and blondes with blue eyes and light pink shade of skin.

1. After peeling of face the suntan lays down on skin more even layer.2. Excellent advantage of suntan after peeling of face – the fact that it long enough is not washed away and keeps the beauty long time.3. When using of the moisturizing cream, the girl can prolong durability of the suntan.

It is necessary to sunbathe on the beach after peeling of face not at once. After the procedure there have to pass from 24 to 48 hours. During this period it is necessary to visit the sun as then the efficiency of suntan will begin to decrease. Experts recommend to make the procedure of peeling of face before the resort in one or two days prior to departure. Many girls instead of till some hours to lie on the beach, apply autosuntan. In this case, the peeling of face will also help. On skin after peeling the milk will lay down more even layer. Sunbathing after peeling, it is worth to remember about protective creams. It will save from risk of receiving solar burns. The choice needs to be stopped on the creams which have passed dermatological experiments. Ideal factor of protection against the sun is 25-50. It is possible to reduce protection gradually. But anyway it has to be not below SFP25.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
