How not to allow obvisany skin at weight loss

How not to allow obvisany skin at weight loss

This question concerns many women from those who else gather or has already begun to grow thin, especially if initial weight rather big. How to warn or try to solve already existing problem?

Procedures for weight loss in house conditions

Procedures for weight loss in house conditions

Practically any large beauty shop can offer the whole complex of the procedures directed to weight loss. Carrying out many of them requires the special equipment. However there are procedures which are not demanding special preparation, they can quite be carried out at home.

The most certain ways to win against cellulitis

The most certain ways to win against cellulitis

So-called "orange-peel" - problem essential and relevant, but at system approach and due persistence quite solvable.

All about wrappings or How to reduce body volumes by 5 cm

All about wrappings or How to reduce body volumes by 5 cm

Wrappings - one of the most popular house procedures for reduction of volumes of body and manifestations of cellulitis. What is it, how to carry out the procedure and what types of wrappings are most effective?

How to lose weight without harm for skin

How to lose weight without harm for skin

Skin is the biggest member of the body having the area about 2 square meters and the weight of 18-20 kg. And the proper correlation of nutritious and mineral substances, vitamins and liquid which fast monodiets cannot provide is extremely important for normal functioning of this body. Weight loss quite often affects condition of skin in the most unexpected way. Therefore to avoid obvisaniye of integuments at reduction in weight and other problems, it is desirable to consider some nuances.