Cellulitis? Did not hear! 3 effective ways to reduce cellulitis in house conditions

Cellulitis? Did not hear! 3 effective ways to reduce cellulitis in house conditions

Cellulitis (or lipodistrofiya) has been recognized as problem about 40 flyings ago. These not esthetic hillocks and dimples on skin which are especially noticeable when pinching can appear at women of any age and build.

How to reduce cellulitis in month in house conditions

How to reduce cellulitis in month in house conditions

Cellulitis (or so-called "orange-peel") - rather frequent phenomenon on women's is obese which does not depend on weight. Developing of cellulitis is promoted by inactive way of life, improper feeding and set of other factors. Fortunately, it is possible to improve condition of skin and at the same time to manage by own efforts. There are several ways to reduce orange-peel and to put problem zones in order.

How to get rid of postnatal extensions

How to get rid of postnatal extensions

During pregnancy some women have such problem as emergence of extensions. It is connected with rapid growth of stomach, hips and breasts because of what skin strongly stretches and bursts, without managing to increase additional cages. There is mass of ways for fight against extensions.

How to get rid of extensions on stomach

How to get rid of extensions on stomach

Usually extensions appear on stomach during pregnancy. But in certain cases extensions can arise at obesity, treatment by hormones, in awkward age. The reasons for which they appear are anyway connected with changes of hormonal background. And it promote that skin loses the elasticity and elasticity, becomes thin. Owing to what internal gaps - striya, in the people, extensions appear.

How to remove skin extensions

How to remove skin extensions

Each woman wants to have beautiful smooth skin, but often all spoil extensions. They appear on body after pregnancy and sharp weight loss, owing to the hormonal reasons. But it is not obligatory to be reconciled with these marks at all. It is possible to try to get rid of them.