The purpose of each advertizing is to tell the consumer about goods or service so that he wanted to use them, to pay for them. Therefore for strengthening of its incentive effect psychologists are attracted. With their help any advertizing message influences not only reason, but also feelings and subconsciousness of people.
Let's look on the example of three different types of advertizing as knowledge of psychology of the consumer and methods of suggestion do it to more effective.
Commercial psychology
Advertizing has to draw attention, for a start - involuntary. For this reason it sounds so loudly, is painted so brightly and events in it are developed so promptly. Already then the viewer focuses on details if the text and a plot are made competently and make an impression that all this is useful and it is necessary.
Advertizing also has to be memorable. Therefore in it certain data that information, getting to short-term memory, passed into long-term repeatedly repeat.
And at last, advertizing has to be interesting, leaving behind a print - it is desirable positive. Therefore in it feelings and emotions of consumers are touched.
Emotions in advertizing are especially important because psychology of their perception is as follows: time an event causes strong reaction, it means important. The human brain is so arranged. And it is possible to play both on positive, and on negative emotions. In the first case the light humour or the appeal to values, needs of people induce the consumer to make a purchase or the order. In the second case the negative experiences shown in a roller force it to avoid unpleasant states - besides making the necessary purchase.
Psychology of social advertizing
This advertizing is created to draw attention of society to social problems, and in the long term - to change the behavior models leading to these problems. As the effect depends on that how strong advertizing impact will be made, social advertizing has to consider psychology of people in a bigger degree.
The way of life of the modern person is exposed to influence of many negative factors among which the most sensitive and unpleasant - feeling of fatigue, tension, a stress; deficiency time or information; lack of confidence, feeling of not success, otioseness. The appeal of social advertizing to these aspects of life strengthens its action.
The effect of suggestion is created by demonstration of potential threat and undesirable consequences and ways to avoid them, drawing attention to human values (career, family, health, children, comfort, happiness …).
Psychology of political advertizing
This advertizing - promotion of the ideas, promises of the happy future which will come after election of the advertized candidate. Therefore during its creation features of work of subconsciousness and public expectations are considered, methods of mass suggestion and hypnosis are used.
Creators of political advertizing well know psychology of voters, their alarms, dreams and the purposes, and install in them feeling of confidence and optimism through cheerful, resolute tone of the message. Considering the dominating moods of the public, they build in adequate words and expressions the text and tell about the candidate something new, the important, riveting attention. Creating the experiences connected with desires, fears, hopes of the people, referring to authority and using repetitions, political advertizing inspires in the audience calm and conviction in a right choice.
Psychology in modern advertizing and the consumer: who whom?
The appeal to subconscious experiences and emotions of people does advertizing more and more sophisticated, and its influence - very considerable. Whether today's advertizing from a way of demonstration of goods turns into a way of manipulation with consciousness and subconsciousness?