Classification of legal entities

Classification of legal entities

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Legal entity: concept, types, classification of legal entities, their features

The organization created and also registered in a certain order which has the right to own property (to own by it, economic maintaining, operational management), is called legal entity. This organization answers for the obligations the property, it has the right to carry out the personal property and also non-property rights, to be a defendant or the claimant at judicial proceedings. Of course, the concept and classification of legal entities provide the independent estimate and balance.

Classification of legal entities considers their certain features:

It is known that the concept and classification of legal entities provide:

The legal entity is registered according to a certain act. Duty in the state treasury is for this purpose paid. Everything regulates the law on taxes and fees. Also the package of documents, basic of which – the statement is going to registering body.

Main classification of legal entities: types and features

Legal entities are divided into different types and subspecies:

  1. On form of ownership for property deposits the classification of legal entities provides public (state, municipal) and individuals.
  2. On the work purposes they are divided into commercial and noncommercial. The first want to profit to divide it between all participants. Noncommercial get profit for achievement of other purposes. All this can be presented in the form of such table:

The operating classification and types of legal entities by the nature of the rights

Of course, classification of legal entities provides their separation on type of property rights. Legal entities can be on the right of operational management (state enterprises, institutions), on the right of maintaining economic type (the unitary enterprises, except for state) and also on the property right (all other persons which did not enter classification). Participants can have the real right or liability laws and also there is an option when the participant has no rights for property of other legal entities.

Still classification of legal entities, divides them on degree of responsibility of each participant according to obligations of legal character. The participant can answer within the investments in fixed capital. Members of joint-stock company, limited liability companies, members of associations on belief treat such types of legal entities and on the operating classification. Some societies provide additional responsibility of participants. The main classification of legal entities carries members of cooperatives, associations (or the unions), founders of the state enterprises to the persons answering subsidiary.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
