Not only seniors, but also their parents are interested how to choose a profession that it was ideal, brought pleasure, was demanded and profitable. There are many different techniques which can be used for identification of the best directions.
How to decide on choice of profession?
There is a large number of the centers where it is possible to get advice on professional orientation for teenagers. Experts know what influences choice of profession, and they will carry out a series of tests thanks to which it is possible to choose the suitable sphere. Consultation of a proforiyentolog includes several stages: testing, analysis of abilities and hobbies, conversation by results. The expert will in detail tell about all features of suitable professions. Thanks to it parents and the child will be able to define for themselves the most acceptable options.
Rules of choice of profession
There are three factors of choice of profession it is, so, necessary to consider desires (interests), opportunities (level of training) and need (demand in labor market). Experts give advice as it is correct to choose a profession:
- Analyze labor market to understand what professions are demanded. At an opportunity it is worth communicating to people who are engaged in the chosen direction.
- Among councils how to choose a profession, there is a recommendation of search of an opportunity to try the hand in the chosen sphere, for example, to settle the trainee or to work on freelance.
- Estimate real opportunity for employment, that is see the websites on job search to define whether the profession is demanded in the city or the region where you plan to live and work.
Problem of choice of profession
Every year in labor market there are new directions which complicate process of the choice of a field of activity. To decide on the suitable direction, it is necessary to know the main problems complicating choice of profession:
- Influence of an inner circle. Nobody knows the person better, than he therefore neither parents, nor friends, will help with self-determination. It does not mean that it is worth turning to councils a deaf ear, but completely they do not need to be followed definitely.
- Personal relations. One of problems of choice of profession is connected with the fact that people sometimes look at employment of people, important for them, for example, friends, idols and other persons, and want to repeat their way.
- Ignorance of the abilities. Many people do not know themselves as well as there was a wish. Self-knowledge and introspection is of great importance.
Mistakes at choice of profession
Recently statistics shows that more and more people after training understand that they chose not that direction and want to be engaged absolutely in another. That to avoid it, it is necessary to know how not to be mistaken with choice of profession:
- A number of mistakes are connected with ignorance, for example, of own hobbies, preferences and talents, all range of the professions and rules concerning the choice of the right direction.
- Mistakes can be connected with discrepancy of nature of activity and personal qualities of the person. Here it is possible to refer persistence of the family, high payment, prestigiousness and other similar factors.
Ways of the choice of professions
There is a large number of the factors influencing choice of profession and caused by the different reasons. They can be divided into internal and external. The first group is connected with features of the person who makes the choice of specialty. Refer such factors influencing choice of profession to them:
- state of health;
- psychological features;
- existence defined traits of character;
- interests and abilities;
- ambitions and professional plans;
- internal psychological problems.
To understand what influences choice of profession better, it is necessary to consider also external factors which do not depend on the person and are caused by processes in the world around.
- prestigiousness and demand of a profession;
- estimated salary;
- opinion of an inner circle and teachers;
- influence of mass media;
- reasons of accidental character: close location of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION, the convenient schedule, an opportunity to do training and so on.
How to select a profession according to temperament?
Since the birth in the person features which are called temperament are put. If to consider psychological features of choice of profession, then it is possible to allocate several successful directions:
- Choleric person. Professions where it is necessary to show persistence and activity approach has to be active.
- Sanguine person. Well win therefore they need to work with people.
- Phlegmatic person. Sluggishness, but also strong diligence is peculiar. Such people have mathematical mentality. Monotonous work with it is not terrible.
- Melancholiac. The directions where it is necessary to communicate with people constantly approach. They are good in stressful situations.
How to choose a profession on a horoscope?
People treat horoscopes differently, but many will agree that in the existing characteristics a lot of interesting is possible to learn about character and abilities. Importance of choice of profession assumes accounting of individual qualities about which it is possible to learn by means of a horoscope, for example, there are those who from the birth are predisposed to the management, and there are those it is simpler to whom to be under supervision. To be happy in a profession, surely consider the congenital talents.
How to choose a profession by means of numerology?
Experts claim that by means of simple calculations it is possible to define the vital calling which will bring pleasure, money and happiness. A formula of choice of profession very simple it is also necessary just to put all numbers of full date of birth and to reduce number to unambiguous value. Example: 08.11.1989 it turns out 8+1+1+1+9+8+9 = 37 = 3+7 = 10 = 1+0 = 1. To understand how to choose a profession, it is important to learn value:
- Number 1. Active work is necessary. Suitable positions: manager, secretary, public figure and artist.
- Number 2. Choose the activity directed to the help to people. Suitable spheres: social worker, doctor and service staff.
- Number 3. Intellectual activity, and still the work connected with the help to people approaches. Such professions are good: doctor, athlete, caseworker, administrator or journalist.
- Number 4. The sphere demanding attentiveness and collection of information is necessary. Suitable directions: administrator, secretary, doctor, sales representative.
- Number 5. The owner of this number likes to look for the truth and is the good organizer. Good directions: lawyer, manager, psychologist, financier and politician.
- Number 6. The person creative and sociable which does not like to stand still. Suitable directions: designer, writer, lawyer, cosmetologist.
- Number 7. Shows good endurance and patience, and the person does not like to take the responsibility. Suitable spheres: lawyer, doctor, designer, scientist and psychologist.
- Number 8. The person has good imagination and skills of the organizer. It is possible to choose such spheres: pretense, medicine, marketing and advertiser.
- Number 9. The intuition and imagination is well developed. Such professions are good: psychologist, teacher, poet and doctor.
How to choose a profession with good salary?
Thanks to the conducted researches it was succeeded to establish the best directions for receiving good profit. Motives of choice of profession include the high salary and leaders in this plan are administrative positions. Experts in IT are in the second place. The industries with the highest average earnings: financial and insurance, area of information and communication, research and development, construction and metallurgy.
How to choose a profession to liking?
Experts give several advice how to pick up suitable activity which will bring pleasure.
- It is possible to disclose the abilities and to carry out choice of profession by means of psychological testing.
- Make the list of spheres which attract, later check their popularity and profitability.
- Describing how to choose a suitable profession, it is worth giving advice that it is necessary to get more information of the chosen direction as the real situation can differ from a superficial picture.
- Compare the life now and what can expect in the future, after the choice of any given profession.