What at us the modern village most often is associated with? Incessant drinking, scanty salaries and unemployment – here only the small list of everything that comes to mind. However such pastime is chosen only by those who cannot find themselves anywhere – whether it be rural areas or the city apartment. Actually today there is a mass of ways how to earn in the village, and everything that for this purpose is necessary, – desire, diligence and commitment.
How to earn money in the village on own economy?
Many forget about such good old way of earnings as cultivation of vegetables on own kitchen garden or cultivation of pets today. Yes, it is the hard work which is taking away daily a lot of time and demanding physical forces. If you have no giving or a lodge near the big city, the initial capital on acquisition of the land plot and construction of auxiliary rooms is required. Besides, if you never thought before of the question How to Earn Money in the Village?, at the beginning there can be contingencies.
But if to approach a solution it is responsible, to study special literature and to communicate to farmers, then the result will not keep itself waiting long. During the spring period when all already missed fresh vegetables, the owners of greenhouses gain solid income. And the more the areas with the growing vegetables at your disposal, the better.
It is possible to begin with one-two greenhouses, putting in business development, generally own forces. But if gradually to expand sales market – to agree about acquisition of your products in the markets and in supermarkets, then over time it is possible to increase the income significantly.
How it is possible to earn in the village in the sphere of poultry farming?
Many enterprising farmers who constantly ask themselves the question How in the Village to Earn Money?, study experience of colleagues on cultivation of unusual types of poultry. In particular, today often are engaged in cultivation of turkeys, quails and even such exotic as ostriches. To understand how to earn money in the village on products of poultry farming, it is necessary to study special literature and to have a certain sum of money for business development. Undoubtedly, to grow up a bird, the enclosed space where the special microclimate in cold season and also open shelters for walks of your living creatures during a warm time will be supported will be necessary. One more important task is to agree with the markets, shops and wholesale purchasers about supply of meat and eggs. If you feel in yourself forces to start the small business, responsibly approach the organization of business and dare.
How to earn in the village from nature gifts?
Many city dwellers opened for themselves such type of earnings as buying up at residents of villages of fruit, berries and mushrooms, for the purpose of their further resale long ago. But who told what cannot be earned thus and to residents of villages? Business development options weight – it is possible to pick berries, curative herbs, nuts or mushrooms for which give quite high price now. You will need to get personal vehicles, it is desirable, cargo, to study, than the region where you plan to develop the business is rich and to come into contacts with local suppliers. What are ways of product sales? It is possible to sell everything collected in the local or city markets, but it is better to contact big retail chain stores and if you are far from the big city, to address buyers in the regional center.
Do not forget about tourism!
There is one more option as it is possible to earn in the village in the winter and in the summer – to pay attention to the region nature. Today at residents of big cities the ecotourism begins to enjoy the increasing popularity. And if you have a lodge near a reservoir in the quiet place, then can try the hand in this direction. It is only necessary to make high-quality repair of the room that it was possible to post photos on the corresponding websites. Do not doubt if you offer the worthy price, surely there will be fans of quiet family holiday outdoors at all seasons of the year.