Organizational psychology

Organizational psychology

The organizational psychology has and the management psychology has more modern name. This direction of psychological science which is based on application of various theories directed to the solution of tasks of management, organization and business.

Organizational psychology: elements

Psychology – rather new the fields of science. Though today the specialty organizational psychology and personnel management is very prestigious and demanded, 100 years ago it did not exist at all.

Today within psychology of organizational behavior and culture consider a wide range of problems:

  • motivation of personnel;
  • management styles;
  • training of personnel;
  • staff recruitment and others.

The organizational psychology counts the history since 1925 when generalization of classical researches was made. Experiments which were made allowed to draw conclusions concerning the fact that conditions and the mode of work are not everything at all that influences performance.

Objective factors are not enough, and sometimes the reason of efficiency or its absence lies in deeper sphere. So, for example, the great value has style of the management, relations between employees, the attitude towards the chief, the general moral spirit and many other things. All this also got to attention of this branch of psychology.

Organizational methods in psychology

Organizational methods in psychology are calculated on studying efficiency for the purpose of its increase. There are three categories:

  1. Method of cross cut or comparative. In this case various groups of people are compared on age, activity, education, etc. It is possible to give two groups of same-gender people and age as an example – but one group is workers, another – students. They are investigated by identical methods, and the obtained data compare among themselves.
  2. Method of longitudinal cut or longitudinal method. In this case the same persons are examined repeatedly during a big time span to reveal changes and dynamics in general.
  3. Complex method. In this case any groups are investigated by a large number of representatives of different sciences that allows to reveal a set of shades of differences between examinees.

The organizational psychology in many respects relies on results of researches and experiments. It allows to choose the most advantageous combinations of factors.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
