4 week of pregnancy: feelings, development of a fruit

4 week of pregnancy: feelings, development of a fruit

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Feelings of the woman on the 4th week of pregnancy when the fact of conception is not confirmed yet, the stomach is not visible yet, can be mistakenly taken for manifestations of diseases, physical and emotional fatigue.

For 4 weeks of pregnancy most of women already guess or are sure that there was a conception, begin to feel unusual symptoms, but very few people know as far as they mean it the period. There is an initial formation of a fruit, the structure of the main, vitals, bone and nervous systems is put. From that how responsible will be future mom, health of the kid, psychological features of his character and even that how successful it will be in life and as it will be easy for it to adapt in the social environment depends.

Development and the size of an embryo are to at 4 week of pregnancy

4 week of pregnancy – special. Often mothers, without knowing about conception yet, mistakenly take new feelings for periods harbingers, overfatigue, and even for the first symptoms of a catarrhal or viral disease. Actually, in them new life arises, the stage behind a stage is formed an embryo.

The child on this term - one section with complex structure, from 0.35 to 1 mm in size. The cage body on the structure is similar to a flat disk, flat cake from three layers, each of which is responsible for formation of certain parts of a body and internals. They are called

Endoderma is responsible for formation of a GIT, lungs and a pancreas. Muscles and a skeleton, kidneys, all cardiovascular system of the kid will gradually be created from structure of a mesoderm. From an ektoderma the nature creates integuments and mucous membranes, nervous system, hair and a basis of teeth, eyes. That depends on a condition of an organism of mom and her behavior, all three layers of a disk cage and how healthy, full will be her child will how precisely and correctly work.

After the termination 4 weeks of pregnancy come to an end the initial and most important stage in development of the child – germinal. At the beginning of the 5th week, by means of special medical devices, it is possible to hear weak heartbeat, and in an organism of mom the main hormonal reorganization begins, there are first external factors confirming pregnancy. If in the first weeks after conception the organism of the pregnant woman was prepared correctly, then and development of a fruit will be correct.

Nature miracle – extra germinal bodies

On the 4th week of pregnancy the embryo is surrounded at once with three extra germinal (provisional) bodies which are carrying out roles of defenders and suppliers of nutrients. Interesting and surprisingly the fact that men's genes are engaged in their formation, that is, dad takes part in development of the kid, already at this stage too, actually, protects, feeds him and provides its breath. Everything that surrounds an embryo belongs to extra germinal bodies:

Together with an embryo, on this term they weigh no more than 1-2 grams.

The Zheltochny sack is formed for the 15th day after conception. In it the food stock for an embryo is generated, there are first blood capillaries, producing proteins – the main source of growth of a germ begins. Embryologists call it extra germinal body primary liver.

Amnion will become the fetal bubble consisting of two types of fabrics – connecting and epithelial. He will be responsible for secretion of amniotic liquid and removal of products of half-decay. And it is very important as the kid on the 4th week of pregnancy lives, and his organism which let is not up to the end created actively functions.

The placenta will grow from chorion. This extra germinal body, and already on early terms of the formation, emits the hormone helping to define pregnancy in urine. Its functionality is determined throughout all term by laboratory analyses of biomaterial of future mom.

Internal feelings and external changes of mom on the 4th week

External changes and internal feelings of each woman on the 4th week of pregnancy are individual. Many future mothers know about conception long before it is confirmed, at the intuitive level. But there is also a number of external changes, characteristic of this term:

Much 4 weeks more brightly than pregnancy internal feelings, and not always pleasant. On this term the first symptoms of toxicosis – nausea, change of flavoring preferences, sharpening of sense of smell appear. The woman is not abandoned by constant feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, she can become irritable and begin to row, without realizing that enrages her.

The fact that on this term the embryo is densely attached to a uterus wall can provoke insignificant temperature rise of a body and emergence of allocations from a vagina with parts of blood. Often these symptoms confuse with the beginning of periods, continuing to lead a habitual life. Therefore if pregnancy was planned, and there are no plentiful blood allocations, once the gynecologist seems or to use a rapid test for pregnancy definition.

At this stage of pregnancy at some women flavoring addictions as the organism already chooses those products in which the content of the substances necessary for normal development of an embryo and extra germinal bodies is high sharply change. Preferences are individual, but most often future mothers note on the 4th week of pregnancy unexpected interest to

It is impossible to abuse similar products as their excessive eating can lead to emergence of problems with a GIT, a gall bladder. Besides, serious food loadings can do much harm and to the child, to create a stressful situation against the background of formation of amniotic fabrics.

How to learn about pregnancy on the 4th week

4 weeks are very much early pregnancy. At this stage many women do not guess conception even if it is planned and it is desirable. There are several ways to learn about pregnancy on early term:

The first and last ways are based on one principle – determination of the HGCh level in the woman's urine. HGCh is the hormone produced by primary placenta in the course of its formation. Its level in blood and urine of the pregnant woman is always high.

Ultrasonography diagnostics gives fuller picture. During a research it is possible to define not only existence of a fetal bag in a uterus, but also its location. Besides, modern ultrasonic devices allow to consider and estimate a condition of fabrics of an embryo and extra germinal bodies. The germ on this term looks without increase as a small black dot, but a zheltochny bag, primary placenta look through well, and such diagnostics can confirm pregnancy even without special settings of the device.

It is important to realize the importance of the first week of pregnancy in development of an embryo. Already at a stage of preparation for conception it is necessary to refuse addictions, to adhere to healthy food. Only in this case it is possible to avoid difficult toxicosis on the 4th week and to be sure that the kid will correctly develop will be born healthy.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
