As flowers influence the person

As flowers influence the person

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Plants, including room, make an integral part of the world around. The need for creation of a green corner is peculiar to many people at home. Subconsciously the person understands need of direct contact with wildlife and feels its healing power and support.


1. From time immemorial people use plants as food, clothes (cotton, linen, jute), but all this utilitarian application. Influence of plants and, in particular, flowers on the person is fully not studied yet. But any more salutary and salutary influence of many of them both on mental, and on a physical condition of the person does not raise doubts.

2. There are donor flowers, they feed with the power the person, give him cheerfulness, for example, violets, a kalanchoe, primroses. The gold mustache possesses strong power. There are also plants vampires, they actively absorb power therefore long communication with them can result in fatigue and concern. It does not mean that they are bad. Just the problem of similar flowers is to absorb a space negative. These are some kind of vacuum cleaners in which also the necessary things drag on at the same time. The same chlorophytum which many carry to vampires, one of the best hospital attendants of space. Put or hang up it in a corner, he will be your faithful assistant.

3. The most obvious property of flowers - to bring esthetic pleasure from contemplation. The person admires a beautiful form of a flower, enjoys its smell and it gives it pleasure. Nervous system at this moment receives a positive boost, and the general state improves.

4. Flowers - a living organism and as any live substance they breathe, absorb and emit chemicals, collect carbonic acid and give oxygen to space. Each flower has own set of essential oils, mineral substances, minerals. In the course of the growth the flowers emit phytoncides. These volatile compounds have medicinal properties, they destroy pathogenic microbes around.

5. Today is already indisputable and proved by scientists the fact that plants are felt. On other, so far unexplored level, plants feel human emotions - joy, pain, fear. If to treat flowers with love and care, they answer with magnificent blossoming and radiate emanations, useful to the person, in surrounding space.

6. An unpretentious krasivotsvetushchy houseplant - a geranium not without reason very popularly. The geranium was called "a flower of the poor" because for a long time on windowsills of poor small huts in magnificent color red, pink, crimson spheres blossomed. And only now scientists managed to explain national love for this simple flower. It appears, the geranium is capable to destroy practically all harmful microorganisms. Here also the simple people "were treated" by this flower, without realizing that.

7. The belief is popular that it is not necessary to keep an ivy in the house. It supposedly brings misfortune in family, promotes stains and contentions. And again this national belief, but already is confirmed by science. In an ivy hydrogen, sulfur, bromine soderzhitsya. These components affect the person negatively, causing in him unmotivated aggression. Here and way to scandals.

8. Sometimes the name of a plant is in a full contradiction with its qualities. For example, the monstera in translation means "monster". And it is valid, a huge liana with spreading leaves not to everyone to liking. And here power influence on people and a situation in the house at it positive. It helps to adjust an order, "to gather thoughts in a heap", eradicates chaos, disciplines.

9. You should not be believed in the established opinions on any given flower recklessly. Each flower, as well as each person, is unique. And to come into contact with it or to conflict - business individual. It is necessary to choose flowers not only by the rules made by people but also by the principle - "it is pleasant - it is not pleasant". The intuition will not allow to be mistaken and in the house the green friend and the defender will appear

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
