Many parents face a problem as it is correct to be engaged with the kid how to tell all that it is necessary, but not to overload him. Absolutely not easy to systematize all that mass of information which can be found. Week of thematic classes – here the optimum, well thought over and planned option.
The world changes rapidly. And that today's the baby developed harmoniously, absorbed all huge mass of information necessary for it, various schools of development, children's classes and the centers for the smallest open. Careful parents seek to take away the child nearly there in half a year. But even all this is not enough if not to be engaged with the child of the house. Who as mom and dad will explain to the kid what to eat and what who by profession the grandmother and as the favourite cat mews.
To begin to work within thematic week it is possible with the child of one and a half years. It will be difficult earlier. And here when the kid grew up – and work is got on, and it is cheerful and interesting to all.
What to begin with? To begin the easiest with definition of a subject of classes for a week. To start classes it is better to choose the generalized, subject questions. Subjects have to be such with which kids are familiar. It can be: fruit and vegetables, equipment and transport, nature (world around), person, ware and furniture, and others.
After the subject is chosen, it is necessary to think over tasks and types of activity which it is evident, informatively, and, above all, can cheerfully acquaint the child with something new. Tasks have to be thought over so that development was all-round. Attention, thinking, a sensorika and fine motor skills, the speech and an articulation, creativity, musical and physical development – here that basic what it is worth paying attention to.
It is convenient to work, having made the plan for every day. It will give the chance to think up different thematic tasks and to cover all spheres. It is possible to read books, to consider thematic cards, to find posters on a subject. For creativity paints, pencils, appliques, plasticine rugs, dough will be suitable for a molding. Everything what there will be enough imagination for. It is obligatory to listen to music and to do physical warm-ups. Kids love touch boxes, all loose, any small objects which can be shifted from capacity in capacity.
The child will like to read with mom the book about a bear (during a week "animals"), then to consider pictures, to go with dad as a bear, to make applique of a bear with a keg, having learned brown color at once, and can even eat tasty, sweet honey. The main thing not to force the kid to do that he does not want. Perhaps, there will pass a few time, and he with interest will make everything what he with tears ran away two days ago from.