As it is necessary to bathe with the child

As it is necessary to bathe with the child

The tactile contact with the parent is very important, especially in the first year of life of the child. Through touch the psychological relation is established - the child feels care, attention, protection of parents. Therefore joint bathing with the kid is useful, the main thing to follow some rules.


1. To begin to bathe together with the child better not since the birth and when he is about 2 months old. During this time you already learn dexterously and surely to treat it as during bathing of the child it is necessary to support accurately, but is strong. At joint bathing you need the help - dad or the grandmother have to give you the child, and after bathing to take it and to wrap up in a towel that you could get out, be wiped and put on quietly. It is possible also most to be the assistant if the child bathes with dad.

2. Before joint bathing the adult has to take a shower in the hygienic purposes. It is also necessary to wash up a bathtub carefully. Water for bathing due to be average temperature, according to the recommendations of pediatricians, water temperature has to be always a constant - 37 wasps. Not to be mistaken, buy in pharmacy the water thermometer - on sale now many beautiful and safe thermometers.

3. During bathing you watch that the child did not play with cranes, as if you have no safe mixer limiting supply of hot water, then having turned off the crane, the child can get serious burns. Only a couple of seconds of contact with hot water is enough to burn gentle skin of the baby.

4. Do not pour too much water into a bathtub. It has to be higher than a waist to the child if he sits. For convenience and safety it is possible to use a special seat for bathing. Put not sliding rubber rug on a bottom. Do not allow the child to get up during bathing, he can lose balance, fall and be traumatized.

5. Arrange joint bathings approximately once a week. Use for washing of the child a little without fragrances, with a neutral rn-factor.

6. After bathing take the child in a towel of 5-7 minutes that he did not freeze. Then it is possible to develop it, to wipe dry if it is required, to oil skin baby or cream and to dress in clean clothes.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
