Not always walls of a home can protect from negative energy fully. Sometimes people bring to the house of a thing which bear in themselves negative power. It is periodically necessary to spend a clarification ceremony at home that life in it was easier and more pleasant.
It is very easy to find presence of negative power. The unwillingness to be in the house demonstrates to it. If you constantly want to run away, spend more time outdoors if to you in it it is uncomfortable, for certain there collected negative enough energy. To clean and protect housing from various harmful entities, an evil eye and bad wishes, there is very effective ceremony which is the best of all for carrying out in the spring. However if you feel that in your house of negative energy suddenly there was much, the ceremony can be carried out at all seasons of the year.
This ritual needs to be carried out in two steps. For a start crack all windows in the apartment and remove curtains and curtains. Sunlight has to light all corners of the apartment or house. If windows of your dwelling come to different parts of the world, hold this ritual step by step. Examine the lit room if any things in it seem you unnecessary, unpleasant, bearing in themselves a negative, it is necessary to get rid of them immediately. It is the best of all to throw out at the same time things with which you connected unpleasant memoirs. If such objects cost expensive, and it is a pity to throw out them, you can present them to somebody. They will bring to new owners both benefit, and pleasure if are presented with all the heart.
Having got rid of all sources of a negative, you can directly start a clarification ceremony. The church candle, an incense or dried berries of a juniper, a broom from seven branches (it is the best of all to use pine, fir-tree or oak) and a glass of holy water will be necessary for you for it.
Open all doors in the apartment, put a church candle in the center of the largest room. Then take a broom and begin to sweep out a negative from rooms, each room needs to be bypassed clockwise from doors. During this cleaning pronounce the following words "The house my darling! I expel envy, rage, quarrels and discontent! Let the world, love, joy and rest reign in these walls!". After that put an incense or a juniper in a spoon and warm up over a candle until from it the strong aroma goes. Holding a spoon in the left hand, bypass all apartment or the house, coming into each room except a toilet and the bathroom. Then read "Pater Noster", drink holy water and sprinkle its remains the room. This ritual creates strong communications between you and your dwelling. After such ceremony it becomes much simpler to live in the apartment or the house as they begin to care for all the residents, preserve against a malefice and an other negative.