As the fruit in the third trimester of pregnancy develops

As the fruit in the third trimester of pregnancy develops

Pregnancy lasts on average forty weeks. This time can be divided into three trimesters. The third trimester of pregnancy is final. It begins from twenty eighth week and comes to an end with childbirth.

In 28 weeks length of a body of the kid is 35 cm, and his weight – is a little more than a kilogram. By the end of the third trimester of pregnancy growth of a fruit reaches 50-55 cm, and weight – three-four kilograms.

In the third trimester at the child all vitals are already created therefore most of the kids who were born even prematurely after the 28th week thanks to departure of experienced doctors survive and have no deviations in development.

During the third trimester of pregnancy there is a ripening of various bodies, in particular, lungs and nervous system, subcutaneous fat collects. During this period there is the most active set of body weight, skin of the kid is smoothed and gains pinkish color. As a rule, several weeks prior to the kid turns overthe sorts head down that is called head presentation. Such accommodation of the child in a uterus is most favorable for natural childbirth. Approximately in five percent of cases the head of a fruit can remain above, or the kid accommodates across a uterus. Fruit pushes in the third trimester of pregnancy become so strong that they can be noticed even outside. By 36 weeks of pregnancy of the movement become smoother, and remind somersaults and turning more. In the third trimester of pregnancy the fruit makes training movements by a diaphragm and a belly wall, but is more often for mother these movements remain unnoticed. But hiccupping of a fruit cannot be confused with pushes and somersaults, it is very well felt by the pregnant woman. Last month the fruit falls, getting the head is lower in mother's basin. It happens most often in two-three weeks prior to childbirth.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
