As there passes the 6th week of pregnancy

As there passes the 6th week of pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy on the sixth week of pregnancy prove even more obviously what because of the changes of a hormonal background happening in an organism earlier. Nausea can amplify in the mornings, to swelling of mammary glands the feeling of pricking can be added to breasts. Some women pay attention to salivation strengthening.

Hormonal changes in six weeks of pregnancy are aimed at providing optimal conditions for development of a fruit.

If the reason of feeling sick to eliminate it is not possible in any way, then it is possible to facilitate a condition of the pregnant woman a little. It is necessary to continue intake of vitamins, and for avoiding of vomiting to do it when nausea least of all disturbs. It is necessary to eat food in 6-7 receptions, at the same time it is better to eat the first time, without getting up. In advance made croutons, cookies, dried fruits will be suitable for morning meal. If the pregnant woman is disturbed by vomiting, then it is necessary to accept a large amount of liquid. Rest and absence of stresses is very important on the 6th week of pregnancy.

Methods of east medicine can help with fight against toxicosis: acupuncture, acupuncture. However at the address to the corresponding experts it is necessary to make sure of their professionalism. You should not resort to self-treatment and especially to intake of medicines at all. On the sixth week of pregnancy the embryo heart begins to fight. On the modern device ultrasonography it can even be seen. Be obese the kid whose length is about 5 mm, there is a full closing of a nervous tube. There are rudiments of extremities, the placenta which will assume further all functions of food, breath and protection of a fruit begins to develop. Last weekNext week

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
