Each mom herself knows when to go to a garden to her child. Someone in one and a half years shows communication miracles, and someone and in six years hides behind backs of adults. Under the law in the presence of places are obliged to admit to kindergarten since three years. If there are available seats in younger group (or parents have a privilege), will take also in one and a half years.
But in kindergarten the parents have to begin preparatory work on adaptation long before the beginning of its visit. Create a positive image of kindergarten. Do not frighten by it the child for bad behavior. It is often possible to hear: "Here in kindergarten will quickly show you …" What child after these threats will seek there. On the contrary, tell that kindergarten this that place where it is possible to play toys, to communicate to peers, to take a walk on the platform, to study new songs. But in any way not the place of re-education of the got naughty children. Lower details about classes and preparation for school. Of course, if the child is inquisitive, on the contrary, say that a garden - the place of new opening.
The first visit of kindergarten has to be together with mom. Come together with the kid into group, show him where he will play, have dinner, sleep. Separately show a toilet. Often children hesitate to ask there. Sometimes in the first day of visit you and will stay near the child all two hours. But guarantee of successful adaptation gradual input of the child in new collective. Present yourself on its place. And it is still the little man who has no idea of life and all its world – mom.
What to do in case of hysterics? To be on one wave with the child. Do not aggravate his fears. Squat, talk at the level of the child's eyes. You do not hurry anywhere. Speak with the kid everything about what he cries. To violently wear out the child in group, means to provoke future hysterics. Children remember everything and parting with mom should not be injuring. And at the same time you have to have a resistant position that you should leave (for work, on affairs).
It is possible to motivate a visit of kindergarten. But only not material gifts. It is better to promise that after a garden you longer will take a walk or watch animated films if the child the homebody. Most of all problems arise at children with food. Is independently very few people want. You can ask the tutor that he finished feeding the child or to ask not to interfere with process. The first weeks in a garden of a problem with food practically at all children and it is normal.
The campaign in a toilet causes a stress in many children too. Especially as most kindergartens are equipped with toilet bowls even if also small. Of course, ideally, to accustom put the affairs on a toilet bowl it is necessary still at home. But if it did not turn out to learn in advance, ask the tutor to help the child in this case. Many parents hesitate to burden the tutor with requests once again. And in vain. Baby sitting is the same work and they have to consider specific features of the child too.
By the way, relationship of the child with tutors is the key to successful adaptation in kindergarten. Yes, unfortunately sometimes it is necessary to face roughness of personnel. Then absolutely useful will be to point out to tutors and nurses inadmissibility of such behavior. In a correct form, of course. The tutor has no rights of children to beat, humiliate and offend. In these cases immediately write the application addressed to the director of institution. "Be not conducted" on pity that "there is a lot of children, and salary small". The tutor the same hired personnel with functions.