Swimming in chest age brings to children huge benefit: it helps the correct development of muscles and internal systems and also simplifies adaptation to water at more adult age. However it is necessary to approach an issue of training of kids in swimming with heavy responsibility.
Baby swimming
Water procedures are useful at any age. In the course of swimming all groups of muscles are developed and become stronger. Babies are not able to swim fully yet, however water procedures will help with so early age to them with adaptation in the future.
Whether you know? To 3-month age of people it is capable to float independently as has positive buoyancy. And here after this period to learn not to leave under water it is necessary anew.
During stay of the kid in mother's womb he is in a water environment therefore swimming is for it not only favorable, but also habitual action.
In addition water procedures at baby age have a number of useful properties:
- improves metabolism;
- we raise immunity;
- has the tempering properties;
- strengthens the internal systems of an organism;
- forms work of a vestibular mechanism;
- improves appetite;
- normalizes a dream;
- has the cumulative strengthening effect.
Learn about useful influence which is rendered by swimming on health of women, men and children.
Harm and contraindications
To swimming at babies only the doctor can define contraindications. However there are no special reasons for this purpose, as a rule.
- The main problem of children's swimming is availability of chlorine in indoor pools that can cause diseases of respiratory systems of the kid.
- Also some opponents of children's swimming procedures insist that bathing causes a severe stress in kids. However it is especially individual. However, if for the child the bathing really is a big problem, it is better to postpone long occupations swimming for more adult period.
In most cases at correctly chosen pool (or just in house conditions), the good program and adequate behavior of parents kids can quietly flounder about in warm water.
Features of baby swimming
Children in the first months after the birth are very vulnerable therefore classes in swimming with newborns have the features which need to be considered.
We advise you to esteem about features of articulation gymnastics for small children.
With what age to begin occupations
The major factor is an age of the kid. That the baby could do swimming, it is necessary that the umbilical cord healed. It is necessary to begin occupations after consultation with the pediatrician, but on average children can begin "to bathe" from 3rd week of life. The first classes need to be given in the presence of the expert in a usual bathtub. And when children grow up, it is necessary to pass into a special paddling pool.
Preparation of a bathtub
The bathroom does not demand special preparatory procedures. The child needs to be bathed in a "adult" bathtub as in it the kid will be able freely to move handles and legs (that is one of the purposes of water procedures).
Whether you know? Scientists of Australia proved that children who do swimming from chest age develop much quicker, than those who for various reasons did not swim.
Capacity has to be washed previously up by laundry soap. In addition it is not necessary to disinfect water (it can do much harm to already gentle skin of the child). When bathing the kid the door to the bathroom should be slightly opened in order that all steam came out and did not complicate breath.
Water temperature
Optimum water temperature to start occupations 37 °C (slightly higher than the body temperature) are considered. Gradually this indicator needs to be lowered. For this purpose there are two reasons:
- The organism gradually will begin to learn to be in lower temperatures that will work as training.
- In "high water" where the child should swim after a bathtub throughout all the life, temperature is lower, and the organism needs to be prepared for it.
Read also, about morning exercises for children of different age.
Occupations in the pool
Occupations in the pool demand more careful approach. First of all it is necessary to find the swimming center in which there is a special pool for babies. Its feature is the lack of bleaching powder. Disinfection in such institutions is carried out by means of quartz treatment. Also there is a number of rules which need to be followed:
- Swimming trunks for the kid. The child needs to buy special linen which is put on pampers.
- Strict observance of hygiene. It is necessary to be washed both before, and after swimming. Before bathing mother has to remove make-up.
- Hat for hair — an obligatory accessory. It has to adjoin densely to the head, but not press.
Important! In the morning water is purer, than in evening.
Set of exercises for babies
Mother surely carries out all exercises together with the kid. Before the trainings it is necessary to stock up with patience as not all children manage to execute at once what from them is required.
One of the simplest exercises. Technology of performance:
- Mother immerses the child in water a back up, holding the head for a chin.
- Helps the child to lap, driving handles back and forth and presenting it as a cheerful game.
Babies are inclined to imitate actions and mood of parents therefore mother has to be most relaxed. The kid very quickly will understand that to lap in water — very cheerful occupation.
Pushes and turns
This exercise is general in swimming trainings. For its performance it is necessary to turn the kid to a pool side (or bathtubs) and to allow to grope feet a support. Then the kid has to rest against a side and make a start, trying to float. Turns are carried out by means of parents. Holding the kid for a tummy it is necessary to allow it to try to be developed independently.
Learn, than the yoga is useful to the most small children.
Swimming on a straight line
This type of swimming requires special attention as in the course of performance of this exercise the greatest number of muscles works. In order that the kid floated forward, it is necessary to hold him for a chin (the body is completely shipped in water), and ahead (at first at a small distance) to put a floating toy (or any other "incentive"). Thus the baby will be interested to try to get the award.
After the child successfully acquired swimming on a straight line, it is necessary to pass to more difficult tasks.
Oznakomtes with komplesky exercises on an extension and also with gymnastic exercises with a hoop for children.
"Eight" represents rotations on figure 8 outline. In the course of performance of this exercise the kid learns to coordinate the movements and to turn smoothly.
Exercise is carried out both on a stomach, and on a back. The head has to be on a water surface, and legs and handles are involved. The size of the imagined eight has to increase gradually together with performance speed.
Video: technology of performance of exercise "Eight"
This exercise helps to coordinate movements and also teaches the kid to hold for a short time the breath under water.
Technology of performance:
- Mother holds the child with a stomach down, the head is raised up.
- Smooth movements the baby is "swung" back and forth, slowly immersing under water.
Important! Process of diving for the person is natural, and breath retardation — an unconditioned reflex. However in order to avoid a stress of the child it is necessary to prepare a little for this action.
Before the first immersion it is necessary to accustom the child to detain air in time. For this purpose it is possible to tell the word "dive" and to blow in a face. This action will force to close eyes and to hold the breath. After that we immerse the kid under water for couple of seconds.
Each time it is gradually possible to increase delay time under water up to 10 seconds. It is not recommended any more as it is difficult to small lung to gain a large amount of oxygen.
Video: technology of performance of exercise "Swing" So, at a right choice of the place (in a case with the pool) and competent approach to occupations swimming will bring to the kid only benefit. But it is extremely important that water procedures brought joy to both the child, and the parent. In this case emotional and physiological health of the baby will develop in the right direction.