"Baby yogi: advantage and harm, sets of exercises

"Baby yogi: advantage and harm, sets of exercises

Children Hits: 193

 Occupations yoga are popular many decades in our country and have thousands of adherents. But quite recently the new branch of this doctrine — the yogi for little children or the baby yogi appeared. In this article we will consider what the baby yogi consists of and also we will give sets of exercises for babies, kids about one year and preschool children.

What represents the baby yogi

The children's yoga is exercises in which mothers are engaged with children from first month of life. The yoga for babies keeps development of the child, increases communication of mother with the kid and helps to restore a figure after pregnancy.

It is possible to begin to visit children's yoga with the kid in four weeks after natural childbirth and in six weeks after Cesarean section. Newborn children or kids about one year cannot do consciously exercises and purposefully repeat necessary movements.

For them it is done by mother, giving to an extremity or a body the necessary pose. During the occupations yoga for children of the woman carry out exercises on an extension and relaxation which are intended to teach mother to do the same exercises with the child.

Read in more detail about whether the yoga is necessary to the child.

Handles and legs of children move to the position ordered by exercises. Also mothers learn to do to crumbs massage. Exercises are not heavy and do not demand tension, it is easy for mother, and child to carry out them both.

Video: about baby yogi during the occupations the baby lies near mother. Classes are given in the quiet, friendly atmosphere, among other mothers with children. The woman can practice yoga, irrespective of the physical state, it possibly even in case before she never practiced yoga.

It is important! Before beginning occupations with yoga, recently given rise woman needs to consult with the gynecologist whether it can already increase physical activity after the delivery.

Features of the baby yogis

  1. It is possible to be engaged in Yogichesky exercises for children only in couple as the participant always two — the child and mother or the father.
  2. Basic installations of yoga are taken as a basis of occupations, but they are adapted for physical capacities of the child.
  3. On the course of occupations the adults recite the songs and verses suitable for age of the baby and helping to draw its attention to exercises.
  4. The children's yoga is called so not only because in it there is some similarity to the real yoga, in it the main yogichesky installations are traced and observed: combination of positions, that is asanas, to a rhythm of breath or vinyasama. Also in the baby yogi rules for breath or a pranayam together with rules for sounds are considered it (is necessary).
  5. The set of exercises comes to an end with a relax or the shavasany, main making yoga. Also the harmonious principle is observed: both the right and left half of a body (top and a bottom) have to be among themselves in harmony.

For newborns

Occupation yoga or near it — great pastime for mother besides if the kid does asanas, it helps it to sleep with the child better, to digest food better and improves development of a brain.

Whether you know? Pranayama is considered the most important element in yoga. Prana is a vital force, and "ayama" is an expansion. Pranayama means "breath expansion". East wise men of antiquity came to a conclusion that oscillatory breath has good impact on mental capacities.

Advantage of yoga for newborns:

Advantage of yoga for mothers:

Important! For newborns and children about a year of occupation of the baby yoga are possible only in the presence of the qualified specialist, in the specialized centers. Mothers categorically cannot be engaged in the baby yoga independently, in house conditions — it is life-threatening also health of children.

Possible harm from children's yoga:

  1. Always there is an opportunity to do much harm to the child too fast performance of exercises.
  2. Babies up to six months have not overgrown "fontanel" on a head therefore parents should watch that during the occupations the head of the baby was supported carefully.
  3. About 5 percent of babies have hyper mobile or narrow joints, and their excessive stretching — risk for such kids. There can be muscular or articulate injuries. Legs of newborns cannot be stretched strongly (to expand), besides such exercises cannot be carried out more often in the 15th once or 20 minutes.

For kids (of 6 months)

As the yoga influences children at such age:

Learn as the child correctly has to warm up muscles.

It is necessary to recognize that the advantage of yoga-exercises for babies is very disputable. In many countries of the world the movies in which occupations with kids yoga are shown are considered doing harm to health of children and are removed from video resources. Therefore parents need to weigh all for and against such occupations and to make everything not to do much harm to the baby at all.

Examine useful exercises of the Indian culture for children.

For preschool age

Advantages of yoga to preschool children:

  1. Most of people know that the yoga perfectly is suitable for relaxation and emotional regulation, but they can not know that it is also important for growth of a brain. The yoga will help the baby to learn to speak, read and write.
  2. Brain cages, neurons, do not form neural ways, are not affected yet by external irritants which give feelings of the person to a brain. Each experience (the heard interesting story, a smell of rose, the eaten candy) — all this stimulates cells of a brain to send dendrites for association with other cells of a brain. As a result neural networks (communications) are created, through them the brain obtains information. The more the kid tests new emotions, the more neural ways will be in his brain. Over time neural networks will develop and amplify, the little person for the rest of life will receive good ability to acquisition and deduction of knowledge.
  3. Children are in great need in positive new experience. Positive experiences strengthen neural bridges while negative experiences can delete, squeeze or deform them.
  4. In 10 years of researches of neural communications the scientists proved that the brain is plastic, that is everyone can change and develop the brain at any time. But the highest growth and plasticity at a brain in the first seven years of life, especially from the birth and up to three years.

Safe and useful asanas for preschool children

Pose "Pretzel"

  1. The kid is seated on a rug for occupations in a pose when both legs are stretched forward, and the back is perpendicularly in relation to the extended legs. Then legs are crossed the same as in a lotus pose, but without pelting by a foot up.

Whether you know? The biggest yoga class in the world took place on November 19, 2005 at the Dzhivadzhi University in Gwalior, India. It proceeded 18 minutes, the number of the people participating in a lesson — 29,973 people.

  1. Having taken seat correctly, the baby leans the left handle on the right knee, and the right handle is taken away back at this time. When performing exercise the young yogi slightly curves a back, inhales on all power of lungs and air in a breast detains.
  2. Further exercise continues for other hand, again in accuracy all sequence of an asana is carried out.

Pose "Tranquility"

  1. This asana is applied to meditation, fill with it a pause between two exercises.
  2. The baby takes seat in Turkish (having crossed legs). Mother needs to pay attention to whether the baby correctly sits, the pose means that knees are at one level.
  3. After acceptance of the correct pose the kid stacks brushes of handles on knees palms up, does a deflection in a back, gathers a full breast of air and slowly exhales. Exercise repeats from three to five times.

Pose "Plane"

  1. The baby keeps within on a tummy and tries to lift (without bending) the handle and a leg, tearing off from a rug only a head and shoulders. The kid extends the head up.
  2. Mother needs to check that small on a small share of time tried to take a body in such situation. Carrying out exercise, it is necessary to inhale air deeply.

Important! Exercises in yoga can be carried out with a certain time interval: for an hour before acceptance of food, or in 120–150 minutes after a meal. Non-compliance with the rule will do harm to health of the child, the stomach will hurt, there will be nausea, and it is possible also vomiting.

Pose "Cobra"

  1. Very useful exercise for children with the diagnosis scoliosis or lordoz and also any other problems from a backbone. The asana will strengthen back and lumbar muscles.
  2. The child keeps within on a tummy, the handles bent in elbows are tightened so that they appeared under a breast. Having accepted such pose, the child is reluctant elbows and forearms to raise a little a body (without helping itself legs). At the same time legs have to remain straight lines.
  3. At a raising of a body, lokotka of the baby are under a breast, it is important. Exercise is carried out at a slow breath of air, oxygen for breath is gathered by a full breast.

Pose "Elephant"

  1. The child becomes directly and exactly, at the same time his legs are at the distance corresponding to width of shoulders and does an inclination forward. At an inclination the right angle between legs and an upper body is observed, and handles fall from top to bottom, and palms are closed with each other.
  2. Carrying out exercises, the kid pumps with close handles to the left-to the right, remaining in initially accepted pose. It is necessary to breathe at the same time exactly, deeply and quietly.

Pose "Devil from a box"

  1. Small takes seat on a rug with the legs extended forward, then bends knees and brings up them to a breast. Further the kid densely clasps knees with handles and stacks on them the head.
  2. When the head kneels, the child should exhale slowly completely then to inhale, at a breath bending a back and lifting a head to a ceiling. All movements of an asana are carried out in the smooth and slow mode.

Pose "Otter"

  1. On a rug for yoga the kid keeps within on a tummy and extends both handles forward. At the same time legs have to remain straight lines. In a pose lying the child begins slowly, smoothly to lift a head and an upper body, at the same time straining hands.
  2. Raising an upper body, the baby slowly tightens handles to herself and along a trunk so that they settled perpendicular to the stretched legs. For the correct performance of an asana: legs and a bottom when performing exercise remain are not mobile, and the back well caves in.

Exercises for kids of 6 months

For performance of exercises mother spreads a blanket and stacks the kid on a back. The location (table or an ottoman) where asanas will be carried out, has to be convenient, as well as clothes of the kid.

Whether you know? Practice of yoga and methods of relaxation in this doctrine have positive impact on blood pressure. Regular practice of such poses as a shavasana, a padmasana and a baddha of a padmasan and also pranayama methods, such as chandraved and sheet, help to reduce blood pressure. These poses keep a body and mind in the weakened state. The research of a role of yoga in control of arterial blood pressure showed the best results in comparison with placebo treatment.

  1. Exercise on bending of legs — nurseries of a foot undertake in mother's hands and are smoothly bent in knees and nestle on a tummy. The beginning of exercise needs to be dated for an exhalation. After performance of exercise a break in 30–40 seconds for relaxation is taken then the asana can be repeated in the same order. Bending of legs positively influences digestion and reduces risk of appearance of gripes.
  2. Exercise on alternation of legs — mother sits down on a rug, and stacks the kid near itself (on a back). Take in the left hand right to the snout of the child, and very accurately press it to an infantile stomach — the pose of "semi-lotus" turns out. The same exercise is repeated for left by the Piglet. Slightly later, when mother will understand that the baby feels absolutely weakened in this pose, it can increase slightly complexity of exercise, raising the Piglet to a nose of the kid.

Whether you know? The yoga well works also in fight against bone and muscular pain, especially with osteoarthritis. Its efficiency at osteoarthritis was studied in public, the hands having osteoarthritis, and it was very effective.

  1. Exercise on rotation of knees — mother stacks the palms on the child's legs, is slightly lower than knees and accurately bends them. Both knees come down each other, and their rotation around to the left, then to the right begins. After two-three rotations in each party the kid is given time for rest and relaxation.
  2. Exercise "butterfly" — mother stacks palms on a foot of the kid and without special pressure brings them to a crotch, then legs begin to move circular motions outside and up. Rate of performance of exercise — brisk.
  3. Exercise on an extension on diagonal — mother clasps with palms the right handle and the left leg of the baby. Without special pressing stretches them in the direction "from itself" then leaves extremities alone for 30 seconds for relaxation. Exercise repeats for the right handle and the left leg and vice versa.
  4. Twist exercise — mother takes the child's ankles in one hand, holding with the second hand a trunk. Then, without pressing, very carefully takes away them to the left, and a trunk to the right. After that a small pause is made and the asana becomes in the opposite direction. Such twist well affects a spine column of the baby.
  5. Exercises "mini-plow" — mother stacks the baby on a back then takes in leg palms, carefully raises them, bringing for the head and smoothly lowers, allows a little body of the kid to relax on a plain surface. "Mini-plow" is intended for relaxation and removal of spasms in a tummy.
  6. Massage of feet — mother takes foot of the baby in each palm and with easy pressing irons fingers. On foot there are nervous terminations which are responsible for a thick gut.

If the baby has gripes, then massage of feet will help to remove them or to weaken and also will stimulate digestion.

Video: yoga for children the Parents can observe whether occupations yoga them bring benefit to children, but the best judges in it are kids.

Whether you know? The first spiritual book is written by yogas — "Threshing barns the Veda" is considered the oldest spiritual text in the world. The text belongs to 1500 B.C., it is written in Sanskrit. It is the first of the Veda (set of four Hindu religious texts) and contains thousands of Sanskrit anthems, mantras and elements of yoga which age, according to experts, is higher than 4000 years.

The preschool children practicing yoga tell teachers and parents that occupations help them to focus better on tasks, and here with newborn such extreme exercises, perhaps, it is better not to be engaged at all not to do much harm. Everything that becomes, has to become for the benefit and health of the child.

Responses from network

We began to do such elements. You take the baby for handles, you lift, she hangs, shake, then release one handle, shake, take for a leg, so it hangs on the handle and on a leg, shake, then on one leg, shake, then on 2 legs and so around kind of. Ours grins so far.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
