Children's hand-made articles from plasticine and grain

Children's hand-made articles from plasticine and grain

Children Hits: 71
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Classes with small objects - grain, beads, sunflower seeds, allow to develop motility of the kid. On finger-tips there are dozens of the nervous terminations, and all of them are involved during such games.

Hand-made articles from grain and plasticine - the children's imagination is boundless

It will be interesting not only to children, but also adults to do amusing animals and fantastic beings of grain and plasticine. Hand-made articles turn out volume, impressive and very beautiful.

Surely help the child on occupation. Not only because at kids yet not everything turns out, and they can be upset because of it. But also to come into emotional contact with the child.

By means of millet, rice, buckwheat it is possible to do fur of various animals. Think up a plot of the fairy tale together with the child and create her heroes. It is possible to choose, for example, "Tower". To stick together from plasticine of a hare, a mouse, a bear and to make by it "wool". The white hare will be from rice, a brown mouse vole - from millet, a bear - from buckwheat. For a start, while there is no skill of production of such toys, the croup can fix by means of plasticine on the sheet of paper. Adults need to draw contours of animals, and to kids - to smear a layer of plasticine on a leaf and to cover it with the necessary grain.

Hand-made articles from grain - a great way to use expired products. Except buckwheat, millet, rice it is possible to take semolina ("snow"), lentil and haricot ("stones"), even long pasta - they can be trunks of trees or blades.

It is possible to do of grain not only fur of animals, but also krone of leaves and bushes. In this case rice or millet are glued on green plasticine, and then painted with paint in tone. Autumn "leaves" can be made multi-colored - red, yellow, orange.

Hand-made articles from sunflower seeds and dried berries - volume toys the hands

One of the most beautiful hand-made articles of sunflower seeds and berries (rowans, a hawthorn, etc.) - a hedgehog. He becomes so: take a plastic bottle of one and a half liter and cut it in half. Accurately push a half with a bottom in another so that the closed capacity about twenty centimeters long turned out. It will also be a body of a hedgehog where a nose - a bottle neck. Cover walls and a bottom with plasticine. It is possible to take black or brown. Close a bottle completely that plasticine was not illuminated. The layer has to be rather thick. Make to a hedgehog eyes and a nose of plasticine of other color. After that insert on a back sunflower seeds a keen edge up. Sunflower seeds has to be much that between them there were practically no blank spaces. Then the hedgehog will turn out as real. After inserted sunflower seeds, take dried berries and by means of all-purpose adhesive attach them on a back. Around a hand-made article it is possible to spread out leaves, acorns, branches. Then it will turn out as though the hedgehog sits on a clearing.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
