Children differ from adults not only in mentality, but also hyperactivity. Sometimes the kid simply has no place to splash out the energy because of what he constantly looks for for himself interesting occupation. There are many children's sections which are designed not only to improve a physical condition of the child, but also to occupy it, to provide new society in which it can communicate and also compete with other children. Today we will tell you about children's yoga, we will talk about whether it is necessary to the child and also his parents. You learn about yoga for beginners and also will be able to choose a necessary set of exercises to be engaged with the kid.
What is children's yoga?
For a start it is worth understanding what is children's yoga, than it differs from adult and as far as it will be interesting to the kid. The children's yoga is a set of exercises which were developed taking into account physical and intellectual development of children. The children's yoga differs from standard in the fact that the majority of exercises do not force the kid to stiffen in one pose that is not peculiar to children. They consider their hyperactivity that allows to turn occupation into similarity of a game which it will be interesting to kid to play.
Important! Training in children's yoga is provided in the special centers where instructors have an idea of how to be engaged with the child of any given age.
The majority of complexes represent a certain mix of yoga and gymnastics where the statics is replaced with dynamics, that is, the kid moves to training time much that well affects the general development and also helps to splash out excessive energy. Similar exercises help the kid to adapt to school everyday life as occupations yoga take off fatigue, restoring working capacity after classes.
Children's yoga as lifestyle for the person healthy in the future
It is no secret that now practically all children carry out huge amount of time near computers, tablets or smartphones because of what the physical activity decreases to a minimum and also there are various diseases which are not peculiar to children's age (backbone curvature, decrease in visual acuity, a problem with the vascular system). Such problem will not be solved by itself even if you will limit access for the child to gadgets as he will have just nothing to be engaged because of what it will go to friends where will also sit at the computer or a prefix, or it is worse than that — will begin to be fond of narcotic substances.
Useful toy - what it and as it is correct to choose it.
In this case the children's yoga will help to occupy the kid, to tear off him from gadgets and to put huge stocks of energy on the right track. At the same time no restrictions as your child will physically develop irrespective of will be required, he after yoga will sit down at the computer/phone/tablet, or will go for a walk with friends. The yoga as lifestyle offers the child an opportunity to ego-trip in the new environment as at occupations there will be other children with whom your child will compete, be on friendly terms and also to communicate. As a result of such communication at your kid the correct outlook which will help it to find itself in life in the future will be formed. The child can not always find in school good friends, or those who will share his interests, and occupations yoga will give the second chance as in the course of performance of exercises, your child will contact not only to coevals, but also to the senior or younger children.
Indisputable advantage of children's yoga
Further we will describe only that advantage of yoga which was proved and which is felt by those who constantly are engaged in it. A guess and the assumption we will not consider. The first about what It is necessary to tell, so it about the musculoskeletal device. The yoga forces the child to move, respectively, the flexibility, a tone of muscles improves and also blood circulation accelerates.
In the course of performance of exercises, the child trains a vestibular mechanism which is responsible for coordination of movements. People with a weak vestibular mechanism do not transfer driving in transport as similar makes sick. As all occupation reminds a game, at the kid the concentration of attention improves. It occurs for the reason that the child tries to execute exercise better, than it is done by others, there is a sports interest. Occupations suppress hyperactivity of the kid, he becomes quiet, assidious and patient. Breathing exercises help children who suffer from asthma or any allergy. Also these exercises increase the volume of lungs that positively influences supply of an organism with oxygen. The yoga affects children differently. It causes acceleration of a metabolism in full therefore extra kilos disappear. At thin it accelerates a set of muscle bulk that will allow them in the future on an equal basis with others to be engaged in the gym, or to achieve any success in sport. The most important that the yoga helps the frail or weak child to raise a self-assessment. For children it is very important to have strengths, to have of what it is possible to be proud.
The children's yoga for beginners can become both rescue, and a penalty. All problem is that not each kid will want to be engaged in it, not all children like to spend time in society therefore it will be emotionally heavy to the closed child to attend classes, especially, if nothing is impossible to it. Also It is necessary to tell that some problems with health can become a reason for refusal of similar occupations. The thing is that the children's yoga is not similarity of physiotherapy exercises and also is not developed especially for each child therefore there is a chance that trainings will only do much harm to your child. Visit of occupations yoga, in most cases, will be contraindicated at the following diseases:
- central nervous system diseases;
- problems with the immune system (a big congestion of children, each of which can be ill something);
- fractures or severe injuries;
- diseases which slow down intellectual and physical development.
Above-mentioned diseases or deviations demand obligatory preliminary consultation from the doctor. It is worth understanding that the kid can receive not only a physical, but also emotional trauma if sneer at him. If occupations the person who goes to work only for the sake of receiving money, then to your child, irrespective of his physical abilities directs, the same amount of attention, as well as the rest will be paid. As a result can happen so that the kid will carry out exercises which are contraindicated to him that will lead to deterioration in a state. It is important that the mentor loved the work, wanted to help children and also tried to pay attention maximum to those who have problems with health. The contraindication can be considered age up to 4 years as so small children cannot carry out the most part of asanas (exercises).
When and what to begin occupations with?
It is worth beginning with emotional training of the child. You need to tell, than these trainings are interesting that will occur there. It is necessary not just to describe process of occupation, and to interest the child, to consider what is pleasant to it. In certain cases it is possible to promise to buy something that the kid had a purpose. Emotional preparation is very important as small children are not adapted for society in spite of the fact that they go to a garden or school. The problem of adaptation is serious as the kid faces in private new conditions to which it is necessary to adapt.
Important! Before the first occupation it is necessary to consult the pediatrician.
If your child has no purpose, then after the first training he will refuse visit of occupations. Even those children who comfortably feel in the group or a class can simply fall into stupor in the new environment as there is no family member, the friend or at least the acquaintance nearby. For this reason useful will be to hold several trainings with the child to adapt it to the new environment. At the next stage it is necessary to pick up the correct clothes and footwear for occupations, if the child is engaged in an inconvenient form, then it can be injured. It is also important that his clothes not strongly differed from a form of other children that your child did not feel like black sheep.
Whether parents should take part?
Though the children's yoga, according to the name, is also used for a training of children, parents can also take part. But in certain cases it is possible to participate at will, and in others presence of parents is obligatory. Parents or close relatives have to be present at occupations if the child has serious problems with health, or its age does not allow to leave alone with the instructor. At the same time it is necessary to accompany the child not few times, and it is constant as that will get used to your presence and will not be able (or will not want) to carry out any given exercises if you are not near.
Of course, your presence will be demanded by the child to certain age, will not grow up yet then your guardianship will not be necessary to it. As for any participation, it can be both useful, and harmful. The fact is that rather adult children can suffer from your guardianship if you the only parent who goes to occupation. The kid can suffer sneers, he will be ignored by peers because of what the efficiency during performance of asanas will decrease. If your child tests similar, then visit of yoga will turn into penal servitude, and the emotional condition of the kid will worsen each time as he will become a derelict among coevals. For this reason it is necessary to listen not only to himself, but also to listen to opinion of the child. If he does not want you to go, then it is not necessary to do it. Similar actions will not strengthen your relations in any way, and will only lead to the fact that the child will cease to obey you, and the regular conflicts will become the ordinary.
Whether you know? The researches conducted by Yoga Alliance indicate that only in the USA more than 36 million people practice yoga, and the number of the registered instructors exceeds 52 thousand. At the same time popular the yoga was made by the Internet.
Yoga challenge for children
The above problem can be solved if to use yoga challengey about which the speech will go further. That it was cheerful to be engaged together with the child, and surrounding children did not perceive it as excessive guardianship, it is possible to think up a peculiar game of a call. It is that the parent or the child performs a certain operation then throws down a challenge to others that those repeated the same. Such game helps the child to join team, and the parent will act as peculiar leader of this team therefore children will rally to perform the put task and also the wrestling becomes more active.
Learn that such yoga-challenge for children.
It is important that the adult or adults who came to occupation together with children did not sponsor the kids, and became near the trainer and performed a certain operation which needs to be repeated. Such format of occupation improves the general atmosphere as you not only become an imitation subject, but also give to the child a reason to be proud of you as you can execute any given exercise.
Hatha yoga set of exercises for children
Further we will consider yoga poses for children who are directed to the solution of any given problem and also help to make active certain centers, improvement of work of bodies or the systems of bodies is a consequence of what.
Exercises for calm
This complex helps hyperactive children and also to those which sleep badly or often cry. It should be noted that the yoga for calm is suitable both for teenagers, and for small children, and simplicity of performance allows to do exercises of the house.
- Bee. Become directly so that the body was most weakened. Further gather air in lungs then kneel. During an exhalation it is necessary to bend gradually forward and, like a bee, to buzz. So the child will not let out all air at once that will help to execute an asana correctly.
- Cat. It is necessary to go down on all fours then to curve a back. After that begin to breathe deeply.
- Cloud. Sit down in a lotus pose (legs are crossed before themselves). Further, in the course of deep breaths and exhalations, it is necessary to present how all negative leaves a body. That it was simpler to explain to the child as it is necessary to carry out an asana Cloud, tell it that at a breath all gets to it good, and at an exhalation — all bad leaves.
- Tree. It is necessary to become directly then one leg to take aside and to operet it on another so that the foot was located in a knee, or is slightly higher. Hands need to be raised up. In the course of performance it is deeply necessary to breathe.
- Child. Kneel so that the shin completely adjoined to a surface. Further it is necessary to bend forward so that the head reached knees. Hands need to be extended back so that they were located near shins. It is deeply necessary to breathe, using all volume of lungs.
Important! The above exercises need to be carried out in the invariable sequence.
Exercises for increase in growth
The children's Hatha yoga can positively influence growth therefore if your child has problems with it, or your heredity will not allow it to grow high, then it is possible to use a complex for increase in growth. That at the kid the backbone began to be extended, it is necessary to carry out underwritten asanas consistently.
The kid goes down on all fours so that his legs were located as it is possible closer to hands. Further it is necessary to bend a waist so that shovels approached a basin to the maximum. The breast at the same time moves forward, and the head continues the line of the case. On a breath it is necessary to round a back, and on an exhalation — to be extended forward and to cave in. We accept the child's pose which was described above. Further it is necessary to extend as much as possible hands forward then to put palms on a surface.
It is important! If your child has no good extension, then it will be difficult to it to execute the last asana correctly.
From a pose of the Child it is necessary to pass into a pose of a dog. For this purpose, without tearing off hands from a floor, it is necessary to move the lower center of gravity on socks with a foot then to unbend legs in knees. The back has to be bent, and heels have to reach for a floor. Everything is carried out slowly, without breakthroughs. As a result the kid has to stand on outstretched arms and legs, and the waist has to be the top point. At the end it is necessary to tighten hands to legs then slowly to be unbent.
Exercises for improvement of work of intestines
At once it is worth understanding that the complex is directed to improvement of work of intestines, but not all GIT. Respectively, exercises will not help to cure pancreatitis, gastritis or an ulcer, however will save the child from a meteorizm, swellings and pains. As well as in a case with the previous complexes, exercises need to be carried out in the strict sequence. At first it is necessary to sit down on a plain surface so that the trunk was perpendicular to legs. Further it is necessary to bend legs in knees and to tighten closer to the case. After that it is necessary to extend legs forward, having raised them at the same time up.
Hands become straight parallel to a surface on which you sit. It is necessary to hold on in such situation about 10 seconds. Before performance of an asana, you need to sit down in Turkish (to cross legs before yourself, like a lotus pose). Further the right leg needs to be extended slowly back so that it appeared at you behind the back. The leg should not leave sideways. After that the center of gravity is transferred to the left hip. At the next stage it is necessary to put hands before himself palms down. Further last the top up, in parallel bending a back. After that it is necessary to lean on elbows and to hang the head on hands. In the course of performance, the right leg needs to be extended slightly, however it is impossible to change its situation. It is necessary to lay down on a back and to tighten the bent legs as it is possible closer to the case. Further, without support of hands, it is necessary to transfer the center of gravity on a foot and to raise a basin. The similarity of the bridge turns out, however the emphasis goes on a foot and a shovel.
Exercises for a neck and shoulders
The most important complex which is necessary for all children for the reason that it helps to warm up a neck and shoulders after monotonous use of the computer or the tablet/smartphone. It is necessary to become directly, legs at shoulder length. Further by the right leg it is taken a small step forward so that foot were located on one line. We straighten a back and slightly we pull in a stomach then we last the head up and we part hands in the parties. Hands have to be on one line in process of cultivation. Without changing situation, it is necessary to deploy the case to the right leg.
At the same time foot of the left leg is developed so that it was parallel to the case then we put the left foot on a sock. We are extended by the top and all building up, parting at the same time hands in the parties. Pass into an initial pose in which a foot are on one line, and the building and legs look forward. Further bend the right leg in a knee, having bent slightly forward. Transfer the center of gravity to the right leg. After that unbend the right leg in a knee, in parallel transferring the case to the horizontal plane and extending the left leg back. Hands at the same time direct forward, palms are connected. In a final pose your trunk and hands have to be perpendicular to the right leg, and the left leg has to continue the line of a body. It is necessary to sit down on a floor and to appropriate legs for itself so that to touch by a bottom a floor. Further we bend a back and we last the head up. It is possible to deviate slightly back.
Exercises for eyes
Very useful asanas which those children who spend behind use of various gadgets much time should carry out (phones, computers, tablets, game consoles). For performance of the first exercise, you need to sit down in a lotus pose, having relaxed at the same time all extremities. Further we begin to rotate eyeballs around at first in one party, and then in another. It is necessary to repeat rotations until until you feel small discomfort. Remaining in a lotus pose, it is necessary to look with both eyes at first up, then down, then to the right and to the left. Further eyes move to the right top and lower corners, and then to the left top and lower corners. In extreme points it is necessary to stop for a second. All operations are performed with small effort. Without leaving a lotus pose, we carry out the last exercise. It is necessary to extend the right hand before itself at the level of eyes then to be focused on a thumb. Further it is necessary to drive slowly a hand, keeping eyes glued at the same time from it. The head is in static situation.
Whether you know? The pose of a lotus is considered ideal for meditation for the reason that