Cough at the child: reasons and treatment

Cough at the child: reasons and treatment

Children Hits: 88

Cough at the child – not a separate disease, but the symptom accompanying a pathological condition of an organism or negative reaction to a certain irritant. It is possible to get rid of it only correctly having picked up treatment. For this purpose it is necessary to establish the reliable reason which served as a provocative factor and to use the help of the doctor.

The child can cough for various reasons, and for successful disposal of it it is necessary to establish the factor provoking cough authentically. Symptomatic elimination of the negative phenomenon does not bring recovery but only for a while hides it. To remove cough finally – means, to reveal and liquidate the reason which can cause it. Otherwise cough will periodically return, and finally can turn back a serious complication.

Types of cough

Cough – a peculiar reaction of an organism to irritation of nervous receptors which can be shown at irritation of the kashlevy center in a brain. The reason which caused such phenomenon can be partially diagnosed if to be guided by duration and the nature of an air outlet from airways. It is the evident symptom which is often indicating a certain disease.

Experts allocate the following types of cough:

Having attentively listened to cough to which the child is subject, it is possible to decide partially on the arisen problem and to decide what should be done. The huge value at the same time has efficiency of office of a secret how often it happens what accompanying troubles are shown in the course of a disease. Before going to the doctor, it is desirable to write down similar information that it was simpler to make the diagnosis and to appoint treatment.

The possible reasons provoking cough

If the symptom of a disease gained constant character, treatment needs to be begun immediately. Normal the kid can cough if there are pungent smells, at temperature difference, in the stuffy and stuffy room. But such phenomena are spontaneous and explainable, and pass as soon as the irritant is eliminated, or there occurs accustoming to it. If cough frequent, is followed by snivels and a plentiful phlegm, in particular, when it is accompanied by temperature, is a serious reason for concern, and it is time to treat its professionally. Though all other types can be not less dangerous:

But even with similar knowledge, in particular, if the baby is subject to cough, it is not necessary to be engaged in diagnosing and purpose of treatment if the kid coughs a long time, (half-month, month, or even more). Here already only the doctor can appoint treatment.

Diagnosis of a provocative disease

Visit of the pediatrician – only a certain way to detect the disease. Only it will define the true reason, having used for this purpose all necessary tools and the knowledge. Having put together character an attack, behavior of a disease at night, manifestation of signs in the morning, having listened, if necessary, to a lung, having collected the anamnesis and having analyzed the previous diseases, the doctor will be able truly to define the causes of cough. Often parents any cough carry to catarrhal diseases, trying to cure it grandmother's tinctures or warming up. But if the etiology is in another, it is only possible to aggravate a situation or to start a disease.

The children's general practitioner will prompt what doctor to see if the child already at that stage when the profile expert is required. Cough can be shown as result of an allergy, worms or active inflammation. It is possible to treat unsuccessfully cold, especially, if there is cold, and the true occasion will be completely different, and it is possible to establish it only after the laboratory researches.

Treatment of cough taking into account the diagnosis

Treatment of cough which gained long character is carried out by a complex method. Depending on a disease any, night, day, or shown at daybreak, treat medicamentally:

If the reason not of a catarrhal etiology, the kid or the baby take an antiparasitic pill or anti-allergens, not very well what they age, was executed by it year or more, they do not sleep night or cough the whole day. In this case it is necessary to choose between unwillingness to give to the child medicines and his health.

Preventive and preventive measures

As soon as the child had first snivels which still absolutely weak and slight cough began to accompany, it is necessary to start preventive methods of therapy. To use inhalations and herbs, national ways, like raspberry and milk with honey, it is possible to apply even a compress or warming up. If preventive measures did not work, you should not feed the kid with improvised medicines, hoping to cope exclusively national techniques. Treatment needs to be begun from the first day of manifestation of a disease, but to be guided at the same time by medical recommendations.

Slight cough, symptom of a simple disease can rather just be cured. The stronger process is started, the it is less than natural forces for fight against a disease at a children's organism, and the more terribly and neobratimy there can be consequences of parental inattention, negligence, or self-confidence. In time begun, treatment of cough will save from many problems which will appear if not to pay it due attention.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
