Most of parents try to develop the children since the birth. Concerning use of paints the opinions of adults are shared. Some mothers consider that it is inexpedient to give paints to the child because he will soil himself and the place around, to pull fingers in a mouth. And others, on the contrary, despite difficulties, create all conditions for the baby and teach it to draw finger-type paints.
For what and why
By experts it is proved long ago that for early development of the baby it needs to develop fine motor skills of fingers of hands. It, in turn, promotes timely formation of the speech and thinking of the baby. All above-mentioned functions are just performed by finger-type paints. Besides, they promote formation of tactile sensitivity, color sensation, the concentrated attention and assiduity at children. Thus, already from 6-month age when the kid just begins to creep and sit, he can participate in creative process, developing the world around in colors.
How to make finger-type paints
The finger-type paints sold in shops in a good selection are produced on eco-friendly technologies. If all of you doubt their safety, make paints independently. For this purpose it is necessary to have near at hand the following ingredients: food colorings or tempera; 500 g of flour, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 5 tablespoons of salt. All components, except dry dyes, need to be diluted idle time or the tinted water to consistence of sour cream and to mix carefully the mixer.
Then all weight needs to be distributed evenly on small jars and to add there safe dyes if solution is not painted by liquid yet. It can be both paint from Easter sets, and powder tempera. It is possible to use natural dyes – juice of vegetables, a turmeric, blue clay, berry fruit drink, broth of an onions peel or fir-tree branches. The most important is to make primary colors: red, yellow, blue. And already by mixing it is possible to make additional shades of them. The alliance of blue and yellow color as a result gives green. Mixing of red and green will give brown color.
How to draw finger-type paints
For classes it is better to choose warm season that it was possible to place the child in some shorts on a floor on the outspread Whatman paper. Or to seat him on the washing stool at the table laid by an oilcloth. It is not necessary to give to the kid all paints at once. It is recommended to acquaint him every color gradually. When he studies one color, it is necessary to give it serially others. Then to enter two mixed tones, giving the chance to experiment with them. At the same time it is better to give to the kid free rain, to praise him for all "flourishes" and not to abuse him for "pachkanye". Precipitate words can frighten off for a long time the child from creative process. When the kid masters simplest "scribbles", it is possible to suggest him to finish drawing a finger a circle - in the sun or in a floret; an oval - in a caterpillar, a cloudlet, a butterfly; a small square – in a lodge, etc. It is also possible to try to draw palms leaves on trees, small fishes in an aquarium, etc. An opportunity to be engaged even when bathing the kid is drawing. In this case he will remain clean. You should not hurry the child in development of colors and the technician as development of each child takes place strictly individually. It is necessary to be guided by its personal progress. Pictures are recommended to be hung out on a foreground, doing of them a pride subject. After 1-1.5 years it is desirable to replace finger-type paints with usual watercolor to teach the child to draw a brush.