First-aid kit to the road

First-aid kit to the road

Children Hits: 67

Before all parents there is question number one any trip what to take from drugs. You will find hints in this article how to try to secure yourself and relatives during the trip.

Here I will try to provide to you the list of necessary medications which is necessary in a first-aid kit of vacationers with children and also the adult. So, we will begin.

1. bandage, vata2. brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide (it is desirable pencils) 3. leykoplastyr4. thermometer

5. albucid or tobrex (drops in eyes) Wiesen – for vzroslykh6. hexorat (tantum to a verda, or a stop tonsillitis) 7. nazivin or vibrotsit (drops in a nose)

8. otipaks (drops in ears) 9. validol (or Corvalol) 10. regidron (at intoxication) 11. enterodez (at intestinal intoxication) 12. smekt 13. enterofurit, levomitsetin14. mezy forte (either enzistat, or festat) 15. linex (or bifiform) 16. No-Spa (nikoshpan or baralgin) 17. motilium18. ambrohexat (or lazolvan) 19. aspirin20. analginum (tempalgin or pentalgin) 21. paracetamol (efferalgan in candles) 22. nurofen (either syrup, or tablets, or candles) 23. suprastin (either zirtek, or klaritin) 24. fervex (or Coldrex) – for adults anaferon or arbidol25. bepanten or pantenol26. cream for and after zagara27. motion sickness pills (a dramina, or bonin, or the avia-sea and in lollipops happens) 28. a "favourite" antibiotic in an age dosage. Just in case, but, it is desirable, only according to the recommendation of the doctor. Better sumamed and ciprofloxacin. 29. Do not forget to take medicine which you take on doctor's orders at treatment of chronic diseases. All dosages are specified in instructions. Pleasant rest and let you do not need a first-aid kit on a trip!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
