Good manners

Good manners

All parents want children to have good manners, but for this purpose it is necessary to begin to teach children to good manners from the smallest age when they only just begin to speak. Besides, it is always necessary to be for children an example, if they see and hear good manners at the parents, then and will try to use them.

Good manners will help the child to be guided with life situations, such behavior of the person and respect for it are interconnected. Children begin to respect each other from the fact that they begin to respect the parents.

It is necessary to remember that manners are not only the words "thanks" or "please". It is, first of all, a way to express kindness and softness in relation to others, and, as we know, people judge other people how they are trained to keep in society. 

Training in manners has to begin with drawing up the list of good manners, and will be remarkable if the child helps you to make this list which should be hung up then where the child will see it.

Lists of manners has to be a little: for school, for sport, for the house and also for other places in which the kid is. If the child behaves badly, using bad manners, it is not necessary to shout at him or to reprimand. It is necessary to point to him to mistakes and to train him in how it is correct to do.

For example, show to the child what after a meal you wipes a mouth not a hand, and a napkin then you go to wash hands. Be positively ready when you train the child. Also it will be just fine if you go with the child to library. You will choose those books which can become the stories directed to training in good manners. Use such books as often as possible: before food, after a meal, during the game and before going to bed.

Also will be great to teach children to special signals and gestures which can replace a voice. For example, if you apply a finger to an ear, the child will understand that he needs to calm down and listen when someone tells something. Friction of lips can show to the child what he does not need to eat very quickly.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
