Parents very often face appearance of cold in children. And if the snivel transparent and not dense, then treatments per se is not required. But if the child had snivels of a greenish shade, then it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible not to allow complications.
Why snivels change the color for green?
Transparent, weak and rather thin allocations from the nasal courses are considered as normal. It means that mucous the kid it is protected from drying and it is cleaned from dust. If cold amplifies, but snivels remain transparent, then it says that the children's organism struggles with an allergy or viruses. Such cold passes in one week.
But if color of snivels at the child becomes yellow or greenish, then it is necessary to begin treatment urgently. Presence of such cold at the child says that in an organism there is a fight of immunity and pathogenic bacteria. An organism of the child defend blood cells which are called neutrophils. In the course of fight they emit special substances which paint snivels in green color. Saturation of a shade of subjects is higher, than it is more than bacteria.
Most often the following species of bacteria can act as pathogenic microflora:
- Sinegnoyny stick.
Much less often anaerobic and other species of bacteria meet. If the immunity of the child cannot normally protect an organism, then besides cold also other symptoms of intoxication can be added. Unfortunately, staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria very quickly become resistant to medicines. As a result it becomes quite difficult to destroy a bacterium. For this reason treatment of green snivels needs to be begun in due time.
Reasons of emergence of green snivels in children
Most often it is possible to find information in the Internet that green snivels appear as a result of antritis, sinusitis and other diseases of a nasopharynx. This definition not absolutely true. Cold of green color is sign of the desease and just accompanies it. It can appear together with sharp respiratory diseases.
Most often snivels appear during the autumn and winter period. It is possible to pick up bacteria less often in the summer. It is connected with the general shortage of vitamins and the increased susceptibility of an organism.
The bacteria capable to provoke emergence of green snivels are transferred in the airborne way. As soon as they get into the upper airways, cold develops. At first it can be liquid, plentiful and transparent. If at this stage not to begin to treat it, then the nature of snivels changes. Snivels gain color and become dense. The patient can complain of morbidity in the nasal courses and feeling of congestion.
Possible complications
At forums it is possible to meet the recommendation to watch the nature of snivels. Some advise even to collect the used scarfs and to watch whether snivels become more dark. Treatment is advised to begin only if their color became already dark green. If to observe such recommendations, then parents can lead with ease the child to complications.
Bacteria if not to treat them, can promote further in an organism. The child can begin to complain of a headache. Its dream will be bad, and temperature can jump up up.
Violation of breath and the accelerated development in nasal bosoms of bacteria can lead to inflammation in appendages of bosoms of a nose. As a result the doctor diagnoses a disease sinusitis.
Besides, the child as a result of absence has treatments of cold, there can be following complications:
Treatment of green snivels at children till 1 year
Before beginning to treat the baby, consultation of the otolaryngologist or pediatrician is without fail necessary. For a small organism medicines have to be picked up so that not to do harm more than advantage.
It is necessary to watch a condition of the room where there is a baby. The summer or winter outside is not important, it is daily necessary to do airing of the room. Parents are obliged to support a microclimate in the apartment so that air indoors was not dry. If the lowered humidity in the apartment is observed, then it is worth buying a humidifier. As a last resort it is possible to use an ""antiquated"" way and to put wet towels on batteries. As a result of evaporation of moisture from them, air indoors will become rather damp.
If the kid absolutely small, then snivels are capable to bring him strong discomfort. As the child is in a constant prone position on a back, snivels accumulate on a back wall of a nasopharynx. The kid for simplification of breath can remove surplus of snivels with the special device or medical pear. The medicines capable to narrow vessels in a nose can be appointed by the doctor. Physiological solutions or solutions with sea salt for washing are also often appointed. If the doctor diagnosed a serious disease, then antibiotics are appointed.
In cases when snivels at the kid quite dense, it is possible not to try to exhaust them an aspirator and to remove usual turundy. It is very simple to make it. It is necessary to take only a cotton pad and to twist so that the cone-shaped hard turunda turned out. It is entered into nasal pass of the kid and twisting movements take snivels from the child's nose.
To facilitate process of removal of snivels, before the procedure the kid can drip in each nostril on 1-2 drops of physiological solution. The doctor can appoint and other medicines for softening. Most often they contain in the structure oksimetazolin.
Before deleting with a snivel aspirator to the child, it is necessary to remove a pacifier from a mouth. Otherwise the kid can get an ear barotrauma.
To facilitate a condition of the child, the following medicines can be appointed by the ENT SPECIALIST:
- Nazivin of baby.
- Otrivin of baby.
- Sulfatsil of sodium.
The last medicine is capable not only to narrow vessels in a nose of the kid, but also to have antiallergenic effect.
Drugs which drip to the kid in a nose should not be cold.
There is a folk remedy to drip several drops of breast milk in each nasal pass of the kid. Such way is not proved. At best it will not bring any benefit. Lactose which contains in breast milk is just ideal substrate for reproduction of a set of anaerobic bacteria. And mother the actions can worsen a condition of the kid considerably.
Except the medicines helping to lower cold, by the doctor medicines of the general orientation for increase in protective forces of a young organism can be appointed. Most often become such medicines interferon or grippferon.
It is important to pay attention that for treatment of cold at babies medicines in the form of spray are not used.
Treatment of green snivels at children is more senior
To children can be more senior the doctor inhalations by means of the nebulizer or an inhaler are appointed. Depending on the device it is possible to breathe mineral water, physiological solution or broths of officinal herbs.
If the child is frightened works of an inhaler, then it is possible to breathe also the ferry from a plate or a small pan. It is important to observe all precautionary measures and not to assume that the kid spilled on himself hot liquid.
As well as at children about one year, the nose of the child has to be cleaned constantly. If the kid independently is able to blow nose, then it is necessary to ask him about it as required. If cold dense, and the kid cannot get rid of snivels independently, then it is necessary to use an aspirator.
To children can be more senior than one year the following medicines are appointed:
Also doctors advise to wash out a nose. For this purpose it is possible to make independently, and it is possible to get a ready-made product as a part of which there is a salt:
- Quicks asset.
Antihistaminic medicines can be appointed by the doctor to reduce puffiness of the nasal courses.
Prevention of emergence of green snivels in the child is happy simple. The kid needs to be daily certain time in the fresh air. During walk it is possible to leave at home windows opened that the room was aired. The immunity of the child has to be at the high level. Therefore it is useful to talk to the pediatrician about a possibility of reception of complexes of vitamins for the child during the autumn and winter period.
The diet of the child has to be balanced and accurate. The kid has to eat various vegetables and fruit, vitamin-rich and minerals.
In the period of flu epidemics and other acute respiratory diseases it is necessary to visit big congestions of people only in extreme cases. It is possible to smear the kid a small amount of oksolinovy ointment near by.