How many the quarantine after chickenpox lasts

How many the quarantine after chickenpox lasts

Children Hits: 62

Chickenpox — one of very widespread diseases among kids. However in certain cases meets also at adult age. A disease this very infectious therefore demands obligatory observance of a quarantine.

General information on a disease

Most often have chickenpox once in life. After recovery the organism forms immunity to this disease, and at the subsequent attacks of the causative agent of chickenpox, successfully fights against it. It is curious that kids transfer this infection much quicker and easier, than adults.

Are infected with chicken pox usually in places of a congestion of a large number of people: schools, kindergartens, playgrounds since in case of a single disease the virus extends with a huge speed and leads to mass infection. Therefore child care facilities always close on a quarantine if someone from the children visiting them got sick with the considered disease.

The virus of chickenpox is very badly steady in the environment.

Chickenpox symptoms

The varitsella-zoster (Varicella Zoster) causes chicken pox in the person a virus. And infection occurs in the airborne way. The first symptom of a disease is sharp temperature increase of a body. It reaches 38-40 degrees. At the same time the diseased complains of a headache. After a while on skin the rash in the form of small bubbles, filled with liquid develops. This rash causes the main discomfort at a disease — it scratches, itches.

Seldom or never chickenpox proceeds without rashes.

After a while bubbles begin to burst, forming small sores on the surface of all body. For disinfection and dehumidification they are processed solution of diamond greens, and sometimes and potassium permanganate. The next stage mending of wounds — a covering their crust which cannot be skovyrivat at all differently on the place of a sore in the future will remain a scar. Chicken pox it is possible to cure houses.

Quarantine at chickenpox

The patient with chicken pox becomes infectious for people around in 2 days prior to appearance of rashes on skin and mucous membranes. After emergence of bubbles an opportunity to infect people around proceeds for 7 more days. The rest of the time of a course of disease does not cause danger to the people who are near the patient. The incubation period of this disease is 7-21 days. During this time the virus with blood and a lymph is carried on all organism, gradually gets into skin and further already leads to developing of rash. If after three weeks after contact with the patient the child did not have main symptoms of chicken pox then, he will not get sick any more.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
