Many women having become mothers, are so absorbed by cares of the children and family that are gradually dissolved and lose themselves as the personality. Then there comes the depression, emptiness in themselves, annoyance. It also is clear, before appearance of children on light there was absolutely other tenor of life, there was a lot of free time for itself darlings, and now he simply died. But all this is reparable. There is a set of ways to diversify the life, without changing its new way and also to introduce in it bright paints and daily joy.
1. You do not stay at home with the child for days on end, try to walk more. Choose for walks every day different routes. Think out amusing joint games in the fresh air. If your child who already rather grew up organize sports meets or competitions in the yard, connect to it his peers and their parents.
2. You strike up new acquaintances. At playgrounds often there are new parents who perhaps too lack communication. Walk together, you share councils and problems for education of children, tell jokes, discuss the last novik of the film industry.
3. If you are mobile and your child well transfers long distances, try to travel more often. It will not be obligatory it is a trip to the sea. It is possible simply even to go into the woods to pick berries or mushrooms. Or to visit good old friends on a tea drinking.
4. Organize houses celebrations without cause. For example, make the last Sunday of every month Day of kisses. Draw posters, inflate balls. Having armed with drums, organize a parade and pass across all apartment, kissing all members of household. Arrange houses a pajama party. Include imagination and sharpness.
5. If you near by have good assistants, leave them the child for a couple of hours and you go to beauty shop. Do beautiful hair and manicure. Even it is simple to take a walk in the city alone or to do some shopping will be to you on advantage.
6. The decree is good time for self-realization. Listen to yourself. Try to disclose in yourself the hidden talents. Maybe you have writer's abilities, and it is worth trying to write the book or the adventure novel.
7. Perhaps, this that time when it is worth realizing the dream what you never had time for.
8. It is possible to be engaged in self-development and to learn Spanish or Japanese, to learn to sew, knit, embroider. Yes it is simple to take and get a new or additional education.
9. Be engaged in creativity, involve in this process and children. Register in a circle of salsa or you go to fitness, read books.
10. Try to become the blogger. Maybe you have some hobby. To share the knowledge and skills with the world.
11. It is possible to find remote work or to start the business. Now there are a lot of opportunities to improve the financial position, without leaving the house.
12. And the most important, it is necessary to remember that the family is happy when mom is happy always!