In life there are situations when the rights of children are violated. And both parents, and the state, and individuals can break them. Parents if they stay idle are obliged to protect the rights of the child or abuse the right – guardianship authorities, prosecutor's office, court have to be connected. The question is extremely many-sided and difficult. What to do if at school scoff at your child?
1. Your child came from school and complains that the teacher once again lowered to him assessment. Or he considers not knowledge of the pupil, but behavior. Explain to the child that any assessment, except a final assessment, is very subjective. It is difficult to estimate degree of justice of the teacher during "the current progress". But, if you are really sure of what to your child is maliciously underestimated by the current estimates – address officially the principal (better in writing) with a request to estimate real knowledge of the pupil. The director is obliged to appoint the special commission for conducting check. By the way, also the child can submit the application.
2. Often the child complains of own peers. Parents have a question - it has to interfere with the conflict or itself find a way out from this situation? Teachers try to separate from dismantling, taking a position – children have to learn to solve problems. But often ordinary conflicts develop into outright mockeries, and it cannot be disregarded. First, children have a representation that humiliation is a norm, and secondly, the child can break mentality and no psychologists will help it any more.
3. At first it is necessary try to talk to parents of the offender who arranged to your child "persecution". To convince them that it is necessary to take measures. If it insufficiently – file to police station the written statement, and it is better in the commission on affairs of minors. As a rule, the commission takes care of difficult children.
4. And if the teacher scoffs? Not a rarity of a situation when he can offend the child, and even to strike. The school has to protect all participants of pedagogical process, so and pupils. In this case it is necessary to write addressed to the director the application on behalf of the pupil and parents with a request to make office investigation. The administration of school is obliged to react to your statement. If business absolutely serious – then write the application in prosecutor's office and court.
5. Children also are extremely inattentive, as a result there are injuries. During educational process, teachers are responsible for safety of children. When traumatizing the pupil it is obliged to call the doctor, as a rule, at each school there is a medic, to notify parents and to find out responsible for incident. If it is difficult to establish the cause of a trauma, then it is necessary to make office investigation and parents have to write the application for check addressed to the director.
6. As the parent, you are obliged to help your child to cope with difficult life situations and to assert his rights.