How to be prepared for school

How to be prepared for school

Soon the first of September, so study begins. It will be especially difficult that who in September we will go to the first class. That future first graders adapted to the changed life quicker, it is necessary to begin preparation for school already now.

Since the moment when the child sits down at a school school desk, it changes a role and he becomes a pupil. So, from it the assiduity, attentiveness, discipline, a fast pereklyuchayemost is required. In our forces to help future first grader to adapt to the changed environment. 

Assiduity. It is very difficult to sit almost not movably whole 40 minutes for the child of 6-7 years. But if it is correct to have a rest, then everything is possible. Begin to give the classes equal to 40 minutes with the child. For example, draw, you mold, collect the designer, play the developing games of exactly 40 minutes. After this time passed, take 10-20 minute break in which be engaged in physical activity: jump, run, dance, play outdoor games. Three-four such improvised ""lessons"" a day will help future first grader to enter quicker a school rhythm ""lesson change"". 

Hand training. The child should write much in school. So, after constant loads on the right hand (or on left at lefthanders), the first grader will feel pain. To lower painful loadings in school, begin to train the child's hand at least in three months prior to school. Here perfectly drawing, a molding, folding of puzzles, filling of copy-books, etc. will approach. 

Unfamiliar situation. The new place, new people, new duties - a stress for the child. That he felt better and worried less, play with the child school, lose difficult situations which the first grader can face. The child has to know how to ask for a toilet whom to address if to it it becomes bad how it is necessary to behave at a lesson (not to cry out from the place, not to use gadgets, etc.). It is possible to go few times to school in a shift change and to ask to sit in a class where the child in the future will be engaged. The more surely the child will feel, the easier and quicker he adapts to school life. 

School supplies. Do not leave purchase of school supplies and a form the last days. Is better in advance choose some day which entirely devote to purchase to school. Slowly, together with the child choose a portfolio, office, school and sportswear. Choose school supplies not strongly bright not to distract attention of the child to themselves, but at the same time they have to be convenient and be pleasant to the first grader. When school things lie at home in a visible place, the child will look forward on September 1 quicker to use new things. 

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
