Issues of contraception are not particularly acute for the woman only during pregnancy. All rest of the time when the lady is fertile, she is puzzled with a problem of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Especially important it during the period after the delivery when the organism is still restored, and the birth of pellets is not in your plans.
It is necessary to select postnatal contraception especially carefully. There is a huge number of restrictions and contraindications which need to be considered. Just given rise woman is an also nursing mother. Therefore the choice of contraceptives has to be surely coordinated with a lactation.
It is necessary to think of contraception at once after the delivery. An opportunity to conception at all returns differently, and many cases when the woman became pregnant again only in a month after the child's birth are known.
The main danger in position of young mother is that restoration of a cycle for it happens imperceptibly. Not to trace an ovulation if not to deal with this issue. And here it is possible to become pregnant quite easily. Most of women after the first ovulation usually does not become pregnant, but exceptions are, and they are not so rare. Therefore it is necessary to select contraceptives competently.
According to WHO data, protection needs to be begun no later than 3 weeks after the delivery. Just during this period also the ban of doctors on sex life is withdrawn.
Number of methods of protection against pregnancy during the postnatal period not it and small. It is possible to choose from the offered list any ustraivayushchy you option.
So, for example, as protection against pregnancy the abstinency, i.e. sexual abstinence is after the delivery offered. This method gives a 100% guarantee. However suits not all couples. Often young mothers lean on a method of a laktatsionny amenorea. It is based that after the delivery the organism of the woman produces hormone prolactin necessary for producing milk. This hormone suppresses an ovulation therefore there is a temporary inability to conception. However, that this method worked (and not for all), it is necessary to observe a number of parameters very accurately. It is age of the child (he has to be not more senior than 6 months) and the number of applyings to a breast (at least time at 3 o'clock, including also night). Applyings are important since additional production of prolactin depends on sucking of the child. Such method has the advantages – it is simple performed by and is not dangerous. Besides, it does not influence sexual intercourse in any way. Also hormonal means of protection are allowed as means of protection. Only it have to be special medicines. Those that use women usually will not suit young mothers. So, for example, the use of oral contraceptives is allowed or, simply speaking, tablets. These medicines are called mini-drank. They represent hormonal tablets with a low dose of hormones in structure at the expense of what they are not hazardous to health of the child. The principle of their action in increases in viscosity of slime around a neck of the uterus that complicates penetration of spermatozoa. Besides, they help to change structure of a mucous membrane of a uterus thanks to what implantation of an oosperm cannot be done. The only thing, it is necessary to follow very accurately the instruction of use of these medicines – it is necessary to accept them strictly on hours, doing not pass and without shifting reception time. Only the doctor can appoint such medicines. It is possible to use also such method of protection during the postnatal period as an intrauterine spiral. Those women in whose anamnesis uncomplicated childbirth can put it. And it can be established at once after them. However optimum time of its installation 6 weeks after the birth of the kid since the probability of loss of a spiral decreases are considered. Plus such method is in what it long-playing action, i.e. one spiral protects about 5 years. Also various barrier methods are also widely applied. For example, condom use. It is safe means and approaches to start sex life at once after the delivery. However there are also shortcomings – condoms can be torn and fall. To reduce risk of it, it is recommended to apply lubricants in addition. Best of all those that water-based, - they do not irritate gentle mucous. You can apply to protection against unwanted pregnancy and special caps. They are established in 4 weeks after the delivery when the neck of the uterus completely is recovered. However it is worth remembering that it is correct to pick up a cap and to teach handle it only the physician can. Use of spermitsid – one more way of prevention of unwanted pregnancy during the postnatal period. It can be creams, candles, ointments, etc. Such substances destroy spermatozoa at the cellular level therefore those either perish, or lose mobility. The sexuality of young mother is undoubted. The given rise woman blossoms new beauty. The first sex after the delivery has to be gentle, tender and protected. Love and attention - pledge of harmonious family and the birth of desired children.