The birth of the kid - one of the most important and crucial moments in the woman's life. At a stage of planning of pregnancy in the head one million questions turn. The most important - whether "I will be able to adjust breastfeeding of the child?".
The first and most important condition of successful breastfeeding is desire of mom to feed the kid. Believe if mother has a desire, then these are 75% of a component of success.
The second and too an important condition is communication with the people having successful experience of breastfeeding. It will give us a positive spirit much more more likely than if we listen to the Neverending Story that milk was gone in a month, two, three.
The third condition is early applying of your baby to a breast. Will be ideal if right after the families of the kid put in the patrimonial hall that he received invaluable drops of colostrum. But in realities of modern maternity hospitals to carry out it quite difficult. Doctors lack time, sometimes women in labor pass "conveyor". Therefore a task of mummy to put the child at a breast at the first opportunity. At once, as soon as your treasure appeared with you, give it a breast. From the very first feeding you monitor the correct taking of the baby, it will save you from injuries of a breast and will make breastfeeding painless. Also after feeding it is better to apply on a breast the softening cream, for example, to Bepanten.
Chetvertoyeusloviye- not to panic. Breast milk comes only for 3-7 days after the child's birth. The one who will ask will be fair - "With what to feed the kid?". The nature thought up everything for us. Agree it would be strange if the cat gave birth to kittens and they starved at her, 7 days waited for some milk. The first 3-7 days the child eats the most valuable that was created by the nature - colostrum. It is sticky liquid which is produced by a mammary gland in very small volume, it it is rather nutritious in comparison with breast milk. Also because of the minimum quantity of liquid in structure colostrum does not overload a kidney of the baby and has laxative effect. The contained immunoglobulins and antitoxins in this liquid will sate the child, will support his immunity. Colostrum is a good nutrition which will be to quite enough child in the first days after the delivery. You should not panic also and because of loss of weight of the child. Loss of weight of the kid is physiological within 10% of weight at the birth.
Pyatoyeusloviye- frequent applying. The more often you will put the child, the it is easier to adjust breastfeeding. Here the law of demand which gives rise to the offer works. Also when the kid at a breast, a uterus is quicker reduced - it promises the early recovery after the birth of the kid. At everyone feeding if there passed more than 2 hours, change a breast.
Shestoyeusloviye – not to be decanted. Our mothers like to give advice that it is necessary to filter a breast. And as it is joyful to listen about the strained-off banks of milk. It is necessary to decant only in one case if there was a stagnation of milk or nagrubany breasts. It is necessary to decant only before simplification of a state, but not to a last straw. If you decant milk on the advice of the senior generation, then risk to spend all free time behind decantation. Here too the law of demand works.
To remember the main thing that breastfeeding is a natural process and 99% of women can nurse the child.