The age is 3 years the most important period of formation of the personality. Many mothers and fathers endure strain of relations with the child, difficulties of accustoming of the kid to kindergarten. Children need now not only the company of parents, but also peers, master games by rules. Parents should know about all "reefs" of education in this hard stage of life of the kid.
1. For children of 3 years it is peculiar to be mobile and curious. To provide timely development of the kid, he should organize leisure competently. Focus attention on the games developing fine motor skills of fingers of hands as it is directly connected with formation of a brain of children. It can be plain devices from the designer, folding of pictures from cubes, a mosaic or puzzles, a game on performance of simple movements in response to the words of the adult, learning of poems, production of a hand-made article, joint with the parent, drawing, role-playing games in house, the doctor, etc. Daily find time for the general physical development of the child. These are outdoor games, classes charging, foot walks, driving on roller skates and the bicycle under supervision of the adult. The child of 3 years needs the company of peers. At this age it is useful to suit him in kindergarten. If there is no such opportunity, try that the child learned to communicate with age-mates on walk, organize children's celebrations.
2. Development of the child of 3 years proceeds correctly if he has certain skills. Parents should not perform for it those operations which that can independently do. Especially if it concerns self-service: clothing, undressing, meal, hygienic procedures, toilet. As much as possible use ability of small children to imitation. It is unreasonable to teach the child to remove after itself toys if dad did not learn to fold the clothes in a case, and mom leaves dirty ware on a table after a meal. The kid in 3 years with pleasure helps parents with household chores. Naturally, at it yet not everything well turns out. It is important not to beat off children's desire to work. Therefore it is impossible to abuse for inept performance of business at all, otherwise work will turn into punishment.
3. Take care of safety of the child before he goes to kindergarten. He has to know the surname, a name, a middle name and surnames of the parents and also the address. Encourage his stories about the life: what he ate, than was engaged with whom he played. Accustom him that it is impossible to go to strangers, even they offer a fir-tree sweets, toys and another. Teach to wash hands before food, it is correct to behave at a table, to use a handkerchief, to greet and say goodbye. Consider that the child also studies cultural behavior in society at parents. It is important that the child learned to share the toys in advance, to play by rules, to stand for itself. Kids up to 3 years are recommended to be accustomed to a word It "is impossible". That is the child has to know accurately that everything that is dangerous is impossible: to turn on electric devices, to leave to one the house, to take matches, etc.
4. At the child approximately at the age of 2.5 - 3.5 there comes crisis. It is shown in aspiration to independence: desire to achieve the, to make everything on the contrary; insubordination by the adult. Parents should understand that this transition period is necessary for children for development of will and vanity. It is important to keep good relations with the child. To soften crisis of 3 years at children, it is necessary to accustom the kid to a day regimen in advance. It will weaken fight of the child for performance of commonplaces: clothing, meal, withdrawal for sleeping, etc. Use ability of the child at this age quickly to switch from one type of activity to another. That is instead of resisting to the kid, it is possible to distract his attention to something interesting and pleasant. Behave with the kid as equal to: try to consult on him, allow to do a lot of things independently. But it is impossible to allow the kid anything at all, being guided by the harmful principle: "Than the child played if only did not cry". Crisis of 3 years usually takes place during 1 year.