How to calculate date of childbirth by date of conception

How to calculate date of childbirth by date of conception

It is impossible to calculate exact date of childbirth, unfortunately. Too many factors influence per day when the kid is born. But parents can always learn the approximate term of childbirth and an error, in case of absence of pathologies, will be small.

In medicine there is a term applied to pregnancy terms — the estimated date of childbirth (EDC). When future mothers come to the first survey concerning pregnancy to clinic for women and get registered, the doctor makes calculations and designates to the woman approximate day of childbirth. He is guided by date of the last monthly which each woman needs to know. The gynecologist will surely ask the patient what number they began and how many proceeded.

If the menstrual cycle at future mom is regular (once in 28 days), the doctor adds to number of the beginning of monthly 14 days and receives approximate date of conception. Maturing and an exit of a female ovum, that is an ovulation, happens at this particular time.

Women need to celebrate exact start dates of monthly in the desktop or small calendar it is constant, it can be useful both at pregnancy, and at any address to the gynecologist behind consultation.

Spermatozoa can impregnate an ovum in day of an ovulation at once, and can also in 1-3 days. Therefore only the doctor doing ultrasonography can tell exact date of conception today. If pregnancy lasts no more than 12 weeks, the doctor can designate date of conception rather precisely. On later terms it is more difficult to make it. Therefore it is important to future mom to undergo ultrasonography on the first weeks of pregnancy. After ultrasonography the doctor will add to figure in the conclusion of the colleague of 28 weeks or 266 days plus of 14 more days which passed of the last start date monthly to an ovulation, and will receive target figure. It is also told the pregnant woman as date of a long-awaited event. The birth of the kid always joy, but appears this joy under different circumstances. The child can be born before the term called by the doctor, and can be late at mom in a stomach for various reasons.

Do not wear the woman's fruit which transferred severe infections or having endocrine diseases.

Pregnancy from 38 to 42 weeks is considered full-term. If the woman goes more than 42 weeks, then it is perenoshenny pregnancy. The state of health of mother, her food and an environment and also features of pre-natal development of the child can influence terms. For calculations of date of childbirth also known formula Negele is used. On it to the last start date monthly it is necessary to add 9 months and then to add on 7 more days. On day of the first stir of a fruit it is also possible to calculate date of birth of the child approximately. To it it is necessary to add 20 weeks if pregnancy of the first and 18 weeks if the second. The error will make about 2 weeks that there is a lot of in comparison with the date told after ultrasonography, for example. So future mom can count date of childbirth independently, but it will be after all estimated, as well as obstetricians-gynecologists say. Doctors advise more to worry not about exact day when the kid is born, and about successfully to take out the child. Healthy, optimistic mom will give rise well and per day earlier, and several days later. The main thing to manage to be prepared for a desired event in time, and it will be helped even by approximate date of childbirth.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
