It is enough to adult to wash since morning cool water to be vigorous and fresh all day. Newborns need to begin day with washing of the person and care for eyes too, and for this purpose from mom a number of simple actions will be required.
How does it occur?
It is necessary to look after eyes of the kid, washing out them from an external corner to internal. It is necessary to wash out eyes by all means clean hands and by means of boiled water. That it was more convenient, it is possible to use cotton pads, it is only obligatory from quality cotton wool. For this purpose it is necessary to take one cotton pad, to wet it in water and to wring out slightly. The wrung-out disk accurately washes out one eye, then by means of other, blank disk – the second.
It is important to remember that every morning eyes of the newborn need to be examined attentively regarding reddenings, puffiness a century, allocations. Allocations can be whitish, in a small amount the eyes accumulating in a corner, and can be and plentiful yellow-greenish, dry and mucous which prevent the child to open eyes. In this case it is necessary to show the kid to the doctor.
Why it is so important to watch the newborn's eyes?
Impassability of nososlezny channels at kids not a rarity. Most often it can be restored as a result of daily massage, or it is restored. At inefficiency of massage the children's ophthalmologist can advise to make sounding of nososlezny channels is a special procedure for recovery of their passability. The organism of the baby is not able to perform yet all functions which to it are predetermined by the nature. Allocation of a tear at adults provides hygiene and disinfection of an eye, but at kids cannot be cleaned with age up to two months of eyes rather well because tears it is developed very few. Newborns also have a risk of infection of eyes. The kid covered the patrimonial distance of mom, not always ideally clean quite recently. If at the same time the child a long time was in the waterless period, risk to get an infection of an eye increases. In maternity hospital of the kid not the home environment waits too. Therefore it is important to young parents to provide hygiene in the apartment, on a changing table and in a bed of the kid at the appropriate level. Immunity at newborns still unripe, it is heavy to struggle with viruses and bacteria to them. Therefore quite often local inflammation passes into the general. Thus, even not especially aggressive flora can lead to what at the child will begin konjyuktivit. If you noticed that eyes the child all the time reddened, had allocations, puffiness a century, it is necessary to perform hygienic procedures with special care and it is obligatory to address the expert.