One of the most effective ways of hardening of kids is bathing in water. Except all the rest, stay in water promotes relaxation of an organism, it is especially important at a modern uneasy rhythm of life. Children just adore swimming, and parents worry that their child during bathing will have suffered much waters or worse than that will begin to sink. The real rescue from it are rubber rings for children.
1. When choosing watercrafts it is necessary to consider the following requirements: age of the child and level of its physical development; features of the state of health; child's attitude towards water elements.
2. Rubber rings on a neck get for children from the smallest age. Generally they are recommended to children since four months of life though many parents begin to use them even earlier. The size of a circle is approximately from 40 centimeters of external diameter and from 8 centimeters – internal. The circle with an internal diameter of 9.8 centimeters and 37 centimeters - external will be suitable for children of one-year-old age. If on a circle the sticky fastener is established, then with its help you will be able independently to adjust internal diameter.
3. Any device for swimming has to be equipped with a fixer for a chin which interferes with water ingress in the child's organism. To choose a good circle, it is necessary to pay attention to its internal seam as the rigid internal surface will promote rubbing of gentle skin of the child.
4. For children from one to two years can be chosen a rubber ring with pants. Its feature is that the circle is equipped with two cuts for legs thanks to which the possibility of loss is excluded. These inflatable walkers allow the child to feel more confidently in water, fulfill coordination of the movement of legs and hands. The circle is designed for children up to 13 kilograms. Upon purchase of this product it is worth paying attention to this indicator. In case the weight of the child exceeds the maximum load of the circle, then the kid can easily turn over.
5. Children from three-year age will suit a usual rubber ring. Before purchase of goods surely try on it on your child. Diameter should not exceed strongly a waist grasp, otherwise the child will be able easily to slip out it when bathing. Also it is worth paying attention to quality of a seam that in a junction material was soft. Optimum diameter of a circle has to be: for the three-year-old child – 50 centimeters, to children of 6 years – up to 61 centimeters, for children of advanced age – 61 centimeters and more. Such type of a circle allows the child not only to be safely in water, but also prepares for independence, helping with training in swimming.
6. The rubber ring with handles is necessary for especially impressionable children as extras will allow them to be more confident in water. Thanks to it they with much bigger desire swim.