Classes dances will become an ideal basis for harmonious development of the child. Visit of dancing studio will help to develop coordination of movements, hearing, to find a beautiful bearing, graceful gait, self-confidence. Today many dancing schools offer classes for children over 3 years. There are also lessons for the smallest. However a large number of offers quite often nonpluses parents, when choosing studio of dances it is necessary to consider several factors.
Classes in dancing studio – an opportunity to disclose the talents dozing in the child, to find his way to lives. But even if to take dancing classes nonprofessionally, lessons will help to strengthen health of the kid, to find friends, to get rid of shyness. To choose studio of dances, it is necessary to consider age of the little dancer, first of all.
Criteria for selection of dancing school
Depending on the chosen direction, it is necessary to begin training in dances with early age – 3-4 years, or from 6-7 years. During this period the easiest to achieve a desirable extension, plasticity. However classes are necessary for kids if the child and parents have a desire professionally to study dances. For example, ballet, ballroom dances.
But it is the best of all to begin visit of dancing studio in 5-6 years when the child can choose consciously the pleasant direction, it is ready to physical activities, regular trainings. Dancing studio – the fine choice for those who want to turn dances into a hobby. Future professionals should look narrowly at dancing schools where there are selection criteria of pupils. In studio it is traditionally possible to register without special preparation. When choosing the place of classes, it is important to be guided by remoteness of an institution from the house or kindergarten, school, especially if the child still small.
What has to be dancing children's studio
If you did not decide on the direction yet, choose dancing studio which can offer several suitable options. So to the child one will be easier to choose something. It is convenient if the studio offers trial classes, most often they are free. Choosing studio, specify whether it is supposed that your son or the daughter will be engaged only for themselves. In some educational institutions there are reporting concerts, the schedule of performances. If your child wants to dance before the audience, to try to catch delighted looks of audience, the second option is more preferable. It is necessary to consider conditions of signing up in studio. In some sections the set of participants is conducted at the beginning of academic year, but there are also such studios where it is possible to register at any time. Also what will be the cost of classes is important. It is necessary to learn whether suits, equipment for lessons enter the price of classes. Optimum, if in studio there is a possibility of visit of individual classes, a subscription system, discounts for beginners. One of key parameters of the choice of studio is professionalism of the choreographer. But here it is necessary to consider not only education of the expert, but also progress of pupils of dancing school for children.