How to choose winter footwear to children

How to choose winter footwear to children

Children's winter footwear has to keep heat and not allow legs to freeze. It has to be convenient and is made of natural materials. The main task of parents when choosing winter footwear to the child - it is correct to pick up the size.


1. Upon purchase of children's winter footwear it is necessary to pick up its size correctly. If footwear is small for the kid, then it will press on legs and they will freeze. Boots of the big size will not warm in cold season. Incorrectly chosen size of footwear will lead to deformation of not created children's foot.

2. Buying winter boots to the child, pay attention to completeness of boots. To the child with narrow foot do not buy wide boots, and to the kid with a wide leg do not put on tight footwear. Take the child and try on to him the chosen boots, the sizes at different producers and various shops can differ. Try to try on boots in the evening as for day of a leg swell up a little.

3. Buying footwear to the child, attentively look on vzjy. If transition from the top part of a leg to a shin smooth and inclined – it is considered high rise. Vzjem has to be convenient for the child. After a while winter footwear is worn in and becomes more. In this case enclose one more insole in a boot.

4. Choosing footwear for the winter look at a sole sapozhek. It has to be flexible and dense that it was convenient to child to go. Pay attention as seams are executed. For this purpose unbend the top part from a sole and look whether there are cracks.

5. That winter footwear had not a slippery sole, consider on it the drawing. It should not be sent to one party. Such sole will slide. When choosing boots look at existence of an instep support if it is absent, then get a special orthopedic insole. Footwear has to have a rigid high back, a wide part at a sock. The top part has to be dense that the child did not sprain a leg.

6. Buying winter footwear to the child, pay attention to an insole, it has to be fur and is densely sewn. Heater in footwear has to be from a real fur or on a membrane. Try to choose boots from genuine leather. Look at footwear from all directions, on it there should not be folds, wrinkles, spots and damages.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
