How to clean auricles of the newborn

How to clean auricles of the newborn

To the newborn baby, as well as each person, it is necessary to wash daily. Until he learned it, his mom with dad have to watch hygiene of a gentle children's face constantly. Special it is accurately necessary to purge auricles.


1. Wipe during washing with cotton pads, moistened in warm boiled water, places behind ears at the kid in the mornings.

2. When holding evening water procedures clean auricles to the newborn. That independently to make it, roll the cotton roller. Moisten it in warm boiled or mineral water. Turn sideways the child's head. Then carefully, but very gently and carefully wipe each fold of an auricle of the kid. You can refuse self-made cotton rollers. Then instead of them get special Q-tips for cleaning of ears. For clarification of each auricle use a separate Q-tip.

3. Consider that when cleaning ears of the newborn, it is not necessary to get into acoustical passes at all. Otherwise you can put to your child various injuries. Besides, as a result of the slightest careless movement you risk to tire out sulfur inside to an eardrum. So in acoustical passes painful traffic jams can be formed.

4. Ears of small children extremely do not love moisture. It means that after bathing of the child excess liquid needs to be deleted from ears. At the end of the water procedures insert to the kid small cotton lumps into ears approximately for three minutes.

5. Pay attention that ear sulfur at the newborn baby begins to separate actively when sucking. Therefore you carry out general cleanings of ears at once after feeding.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
