How to define: audiat, the visual learner or kinestetik the child

How to define: audiat, the visual learner or kinestetik the child

Children Hits: 88

Some children (visual learners) acquire information better, having written down and having illustrated it, other (kinestetik) – feeling different objects or having sniffed at them. Third (audiala) – just remember it "aurally". The thing is that all of them differently perceive the world around. And it is necessary to reckon with it if you want your child to acquire new material better and could adapt to everything that occurs around quicker.

Many mothers ask a question of how to define, audiat, the visual learner or kinestetik the child. Let's try to give on it the answer. But we recommend to remember that "clean" psychotypes in the nature practically do not meet. Therefore there can quite be it that your child can perceive equally well information through hearing, sight and feelings.

Rebenok-audial: signs and features of education

It is possible to learn the child's psychotype still before to him year is executed. For example, audiala are very sensitive to different sounds. They adore when they talk to them. Quickly calm down, having heard a mother's voice or a favourite melody. Very much early begin to murmur. Wake up from the slightest rustle therefore are considered as the uneasiest. Give the cries when are happy. 

Having become more senior, children-audialy with pleasure are engaged in those groups where teachers can pay sufficient attention to each pupil. They well process information, quickly build hypotheses and draw logical conclusions, adore listening and talking. But can be a little annoying as the majority of the actions is usually pronounced aloud.

To grow up the child-audiala the educated person, it is recommended to parents:

Child visual learner: signs and features of education

The child visual learner about one year likes to watch what occurs around. He quickly calms down, having seen a familiar toy or mom/dad. During feeding considers mother's face. It is pleasant to it: to look in a mirror, to watch how someone from close people poses mugs, to consider pictures in books, to play with the suspended toys. 

When the visual learner grows up, he begins to be interested in different letters and signs, posters with beautiful pictures, designers. Most quicker remembers that information that it is presented in the form of a highlighted text, colourful graphics, scheme and so on. Thinks images, i.e. visualizing the imagined situations. Usually hardly perceives the instructions given in a verbal form. Therefore quite often asks again.

That the child visual learner could grow up the competent person, it is necessary for parents:

Rebenok-kinestetik: signs and features of education

Rebenok-kinestetik early enough begins to act. It likes to play, turn over from a stomach on a back and back, to creep, reach hard-to-reach spots and so on. Adores when it is thrown up, tickle or just carry in a carriage. Quickly calms down if to make massage. Likes to bathe. Begins to murmur and talk after other children. It is strongly attached to parents, practically does not get down from hands. With pleasure feels and sniffs at everything around. 

Having become more, the child-kinestetik begins to understand in the nature of things. He quite often sorts toys to look that there inside. He likes to help you about the house, to design, collect or sort objects. Therefore such sets as to "The young technician" or "Puzzles", have to be among his manuals. One more characteristic feature of all kinestetik – high mobility. They are always ready to exchange reading even the most interesting book for any other occupation. 

That the child began to study with pleasure, it is necessary for his parents:

How still it is possible to define perception type?

For teenagers there is a unique test "Audial, Visual Learner, Kinestetik" created by S. Efremtsev. It is even interesting to adult to pass it. To learn what type of perception prevails at the preschool child it is also possible to pay attention on:

1. Often used words

2. Way of expression of love

3. Direction of a look at communication

It is worth noticing that except audial, visual learners and kinestetik, some psychologists allocate still diskret (or digital). But usually are not born them, and become during growth and acquisition of new skills. Therefore we will not consider them within this article. To parents of children of other psychotypes we recommend not to be obsessed with definitions and the assumptions. Train the child in everything that you know and even more. Develop him comprehensively that in the future he could take the worthy place in this world. 

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
