Sometimes only the love and a mutual attraction appears a little for creation of the harmonious relations., It seems, desire to be to eat together, and to adjust life does not work well in any way. Perhaps, it is about incompatibility of temperaments.
What temperaments happen?
After a number of researches the psychologists revealed four main temperaments of the personality:
1. Sanguine person. This is rather active and vigorous person. He has a good sense of humour and an objective view on life. He quickly adapts to new situations, as a rule, is ready positively.
2. Melancholiac. Very emotional and vulnerable personality. Such people are rather hypochondriac and sharply react to criticism in the address. They devote a lot of time to infinite thoughts of the past and the analysis of own failures. It is difficult to them to adapt to vital realities. Quite often are depressed.
3. Choleric person. This person differs in rough manifestation of emotions, fieriness. Such people suffer from differences of mood, irascibility, impulsiveness and tendency to rash acts.4. Phlegmatic person. Such people are quiet and unperturbable in the majority of life situations. They perfectly control the emotions, are non-conflicting, it is difficult to enrage them. However it is important to remember that "pure" temperaments practically do not exist. Usually allocate the dominating type, and then analyze the remained characteristics.
Perfect union
According to psychologists, sanguine persons best of all get on with people with similar temperament though with choleric persons and phlegmatic persons to them will not make special work to find a common language. But it is very difficult to them to construct the harmonious relations with melancholiacs. To phlegmatic persons is also more comfortable than everything to be near phlegmatic persons. Other most acceptable option for the phlegmatic person – the melancholiac. They quickly enough will find much in common. And the relations with choleric persons at them will hardly develop. The choleric person will be constantly irritated by coolness of the phlegmatic person, and that will save silently offense and irritation at the excessively emotional partner. In turn, the company of the sanguine person will obviously be to the taste to the choleric person, and with melancholiacs of their relation in the majority are doomed. Just they are too different.
Sexual compatibility
Besides, besides usual temperament, also the sexual temperament of partners is considered by scientists. It happens: high, average and low. The harmonious relations in couple are possible at people with identical or at least close sexual temperament. For example, high and high sexual temperament or high-average, average-low and so on. In couple "high-low" there can be serious problems as one of partners will consider another the sex maniac. In turn, the partner with low temperament will begin to suffer from similar aggression and to doubt feelings of the soulmate.