Extra-uterine pregnancy is a pathological case at which fetal egg appears not in a uterus cavity. It is connected with inability of uterine tubes to carry out the direct appointment - transportation of the impregnated ovum in a uterus. Extra-uterine pregnancy is very life-threatening women therefore it is very important to diagnose pathology in time.
1. Symptoms of extra-uterine pregnancy on early terms are very similar to signs of usual pregnancy: periods delay, toxicosis, swelling of mammary glands, etc.
2. As a rule, women do not attach significance to signs, characteristic of extra-uterine pregnancy: to nagging pains in the bottom of a stomach, to the lowered pressure accompanying dizzinesses and faints, vaginal bleeding and feeling of weight in a crotch and a rectum. These symptoms can not be symptoms of pathology, however in the presence of at least one of them it is important to see a doctor quickly that he appointed necessary inspection. If to reveal extra-uterine pregnancy on early terms, then it is possible to do also without surgical intervention.
3. Usual test for pregnancy and blood test for HGCh at extra-uterine pregnancy, as well as at usual, positive. It is possible to diagnose extra-uterine pregnancy on early terms if in time to notice decrease in blood of the woman of the horionichesky hormone which is emitted with a placenta. This hormone promotes blocking of function of ovaries on development of a new ovum.
4. It is possible to define extra-uterine pregnancy by means of ultrasound examination of a cavity of a uterus by means of which it is possible to assume about the existing pathology on early terms. About 2-3 weeks of pregnancy it is possible to diagnose its extra-uterine character by means of the transvaginal ultrasonography which is carried out by introduction of the special sensor to a vagina.
5. It is possible to reveal extra-uterine pregnancy on early terms, having carried out diagnostic laparoscopy – the procedure which is carried out under the general anesthesia. She unambiguously allows to establish pathology.
6. If the woman came up against a situation of emergence of extra-uterine pregnancy and need of surgery, her following pregnancy has to take place under constant observation of the doctor.