Young mummies often worry whether is enough for the kid of breast milk. If the kid in the first weeks of life is quiet after feeding and sleeps before the following meal, then, most likely, it has enough milk. Besides, pay attention to following signs.
It is required to you
- - scales suitable for weighing of the baby.
1. Check how many the kid pisat. For this purpose it is necessary to refuse for some time disposable diapers. The child has to write to the first weeks of life not less than ten times. Urine of the baby is normal transparent and flavourless.
2. Weigh the kid every week. An indicator that the child receives enough milk, the stable increase in weight is. For the kid is more senior than seven days it has to make not less than 150 grams a week. Usually in the first month of life the baby adds on average 600 grams, from the second on the fourth approximately on 800 grams a month.
3. Consider how many times per day the kid empties intestines. In the first days after the delivery a chair at the child dark, so-called meconium. If the baby has enough milk, then for the third day the chair changes on transitional which has green coloring. In several days the chair is normalized and becomes brown. From this point the child has to be emptied not less than four times a day, it is better if it occurs after each feeding. Since second month of life, the chair becomes gradually more rare - to once a day.
4. If you want to define authentically how many milk is eaten by the kid, then it is necessary to measure the child's weight before each feeding within a day. On this difference you will find the amount of milk falling on one feeding. Having put all results per day, you learn how many milk is exhausted by the child in a day. The child in the first four months of life has to eat per day milk approximately the one fifth part from the weight. That is weighing kid of five kilograms it will be one liter of milk.