How to disaccustom to fall asleep with a breast

How to disaccustom to fall asleep with a breast

Rocking the kid with a breast sometimes becomes a problem. It is possible to resolve this issue by excommunication from natural feeding. However this process is not connected with a dream in any way therefore at first try to teach the child to fall asleep independently.


1. You spend more time with the child, play, walk with him. Try to calm during the day the baby differently, for example, wear him on handles, play, embrace him. It is important that at the same time you did not feel concern, your state is transferred to the kid.

2. Think up an otkhozhdeniye ritual for sleeping. Let the kid be stacked by dad, the grandmother or other person for whom the child feels affection. In 30 minutes prior to a dream read it books, sing a song. From children there can be a protest, but chances increase when the mode is set? and you do daily same. As option, before going to bed you can wash the child and then stack.

3. Observe the kid. As soon as he is tired, give him a breast. Let time of feeding will be only 5 minutes, put the kid in a bed, calm, wear on handles, but you do not feed. Put it, will begin to cry - take again, so can proceed of 40 minutes or more. If you carry, stroke on a back and wait when he falls asleep. It is important that the phase of a deep sleep began, usually on it it is required minutes 15. To lay from the first it will hardly turn out, but then success will be more often.

4. Put clock and you watch time when you feed before going to bed, let each time this process will be shorter. At the same time read the book, take away a breast and continue reading. In a week already just read the fairy tale, without giving a breast. If the kid is sick, hold off schooling to sleep without mother's milk.

5. You approach process creatively. If to the child year was already executed, you can think up that the milk escaped or sleeps at night, and in exchange to give a new toy or cookies. Try to agree, many children actively make a compromise.

6. You can in one stage begin to put to bed without breast. The kid will cry and ask at first a milk, but then will get used and will begin to fall asleep independently, here everything depends on your patience.

7. Having got positive experience during day laying, try to make the same at night. As soon as the kid wakes up, stroke him on a back and quietly calm. You can offer the child of water, descend on a pot. At first, maybe, you will give a breast, but over time the baby himself will cease to ask, knowing that mom is near.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
